
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >화공 >화학공학
  • 강의학기
    2013년 1학기
  • 조회수
Introduce high profile researches in chemical and biological engineering and related science areas to graduate students for the new idea and creative research strategy building
Assessing Catalytic Functions of Spillover Hydrogen with Well-Defined Model Catalysts
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차시별 강의

1. 문서 Mussel-inspired adhesion for energy storage and medical devices Mussel-inspired adhesion for energy storage and medical devices 소스URL
2. 문서 Biologically inspired micro- and nanofluidic systems for biomedical applications Biologically inspired micro- and nanofluidic systems for biomedical applications 소스URL
3. 문서 Vertical Nanowire Arrays for Cellular Interfaces Vertical Nanowire Arrays for Cellular Interfaces 소스URL
4. 비디오 Assessing Catalytic Functions of Spillover Hydrogen with Well-Defined Model Catalysts Assessing Catalytic Functions of Spillover Hydrogen with Well-Defined Model Catalysts URL
문서 Assessing Catalytic Functions of Spillover Hydrogen with Well-Defined Model Catalysts Assessing Catalytic Functions of Spillover Hydrogen with Well-Defined Model Catalysts 소스URL
5. 문서 Synthesis of Hierachically Porous Metal Carboxylates and Their Sortion and Catalytic Applications Synthesis of Hierachically Porous Metal Carboxylates and Their Sortion and Catalytic Applications 소스URL
6. 문서 Directed Molecular Assembly of Soft Nanomaterials Directed Molecular Assembly of Soft Nanomaterials 소스URL
7. 문서 Nanogenerators and piezotronics for self-powered wireless devices Nanogenerators and piezotronics for self-powered wireless devices 소스URL
8. 문서 Biomimetic Carbon Nanotube Ion Channels Biomimetic Carbon Nanotube Ion Channels 소스URL
9. 문서 Semiconductor Nanowires for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting Semiconductor Nanowires for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting 소스URL
10. 문서 Flexible and Multifunctional Electronics Flexible and Multifunctional Electronics 소스URL

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