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  • 주제분류
    자연과학 >수학ㆍ물리ㆍ천문ㆍ지리 >물리학
  • 강의학기
    2012년 1학기
  • 조회수
분자 수준의 입자, 선, 결정들의 기본적인 물성을 가르치고 더 나아가 이러한 물성 특히 양자 포획 효과와 ballistic 수송에 기반한 나노 소자 구조 및 나노 소자 구조에서의 분자 수준 물질의 집적화 방법을 다룬다.
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Introduction Introduction to the study of molecular materials and structures URL
2. 비디오 Basic of Molecular Structure (1) Various kinds of molecular structures, such as three-dimensional crystal, two-dimensional crystal, quasi-crystal, and amorphous. URL
비디오 Basic of Molecular Structure (2) URL
3. 비디오 Analysis of molecular structures with scanning probe microscopy (1) The principle of scanning probe
microscope and the examples of
structural analysis with scanning probe microscope.
비디오 Analysis of molecular structures with scanning probe microscopy (2) URL
4. 비디오 How Nature designs new materials? (1) Ionic crystal, covalent crystal, metallic crystal, van der Waals crystal, Hydrogen bond crystal URL
비디오 How Nature designs new materials? (2) URL
5. 비디오 Science of “Emergence” (1) Zero, One ,Two and Three dimensional functional materials. Equilibrium and non-equilibrium self-organization phenomena toward biological molecular
비디오 Science of “Emergence” (2) URL
6. 비디오 Electron spectroscopy for analysis of molecular materials (1) The principle of photoemission
spectroscopy, and the examples of
chemical analysis with
X-ray photoemission spectroscopy
including chemical shift analysis.
비디오 Electron spectroscopy for analysis of molecular materials (2) URL
비디오 Electron spectroscopy for analysis of molecular materials (3) URL
7. 비디오 Material design for High Tc Superconductivity, Ferroelectricity and Magnetism (1) Perovskite based 3d metal oxides
designed by the idea of molecular LEGO
비디오 Material design for High Tc Superconductivity, Ferroelectricity and Magnetism (2) URL
8. Mid-term examination Mid-term examination
9. 비디오 Molecular analysis with microscopy (1) Imaging and analyzing molecules with electron microscopy and other microscopies URL
비디오 Molecular analysis with microscopy (2) URL
10. 비디오 Fun of Science, Ventures of discovery (1) The way of thinking in material physics: Early discovery of uantum Physics and my way of thinking URL
비디오 Fun of Science, Ventures of discovery (2) URL
11. 비디오 Molecular structure analysis with diffraction methods (1) The principle of diffraction, the case studies of molecular analysis with X-ray diffraction and electron diffraction. URL
비디오 Molecular structure analysis with diffraction methods (2) URL
12. Molecular Materials individual project work
13. 비디오 student presentation (Ⅰ) - (1) Molecular Materials URL
비디오 student presentation (Ⅰ) - (2) URL
14. Molecular Materials individual project work
15. 비디오 student presentation (Ⅱ) Molecular Materials URL
16. Final-term exam Final-term exam

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