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    인문과학 >언어ㆍ문학 >언어과학
  • 강의학기
    2024년 1학기
  • 조회수
This course provides an introduction to business and technical writing skills as they are used in writing emails, memos, resume, cover letters, newsletters, research proposals and reports.
Course Orientation
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Course Orientation This shows the overview of the course and syllabus introduction. It also discusses the purpose and importance of business and technical writing, followed by self introduction activity. URL
문서 Course Orientation This shows the overview of the course and syllabus introduction. It also discusses the purpose and importance of business and technical writing, followed by self introduction activity. 소스URL
2. 비디오 Principles of Business and Technical Writing This course will introduce the definition, kinds, characteristics and principles to follow in writing business and technical documents. It also focuses on vocabulary such as word families and collocations. It will also study common grammar mistakes to avoid in writing. URL
문서 Principles of Business and Technical Writing This course will introduce the definition, kinds, characteristics and principles to follow in writing business and technical documents. It also focuses on vocabulary such as word families and collocations. It will also study common grammar mistakes to avoid in writing. 소스URL
3. 비디오 Writing Cover Letters This course shows the definition, importance, parts and steps in writing cover letters. It also focuses on formal and informal vocabulary, and the correct use of subject-verb agreement in grammar. URL
문서 Writing Cover Letters This course shows the definition, importance, parts and steps in writing cover letters. It also focuses on formal and informal vocabulary, and the correct use of subject-verb agreement in grammar. 소스URL
4. 비디오 Writing Resume This course studies the definition, purpose and parts of writing resume. It also focuses on the vocabulary to create positive impression in resume and the use of gerunds and infinites in grammar. URL
문서 Writing Resume This course studies the definition, purpose and parts of writing resume. It also focuses on the vocabulary to create positive impression in resume and the use of gerunds and infinites in grammar. 소스URL
5. 비디오 Writing Emails This course discusses the parts of an email and guidelines on email etiquette and focuses on correct word choice in the vocabulary section and verb tenses in grammar. URL
문서 Writing Emails This course discusses the parts of an email and guidelines on email etiquette and focuses on correct word choice in the vocabulary section and verb tenses in grammar. 소스URL
6. 비디오 Writing Office Memos This course illustrates the definition, purpose, advantages and parts of writing effective memo. It also provides a comparison between an effective and an ineffective memo. It also focuses on the prepositions for the vocabulary and conjunctions for the grammar. URL
문서 Writing Office Memos This course illustrates the definition, purpose, advantages and parts of writing effective memo. It also provides a comparison between an effective and an ineffective memo. It also focuses on the prepositions for the vocabulary and conjunctions for the grammar. 소스URL
7. 비디오 Writing Minutes of the Meeting This course explains the definition, importance, steps and contents in writing minutes of meetings and focuses on commonly confused words in vocabulary and the use of coordinating and subordinating clauses in grammar. URL
문서 Writing Minutes of the Meeting This course explains the definition, importance, steps and contents in writing minutes of meetings and focuses on commonly confused words in vocabulary and the use of coordinating and subordinating clauses in grammar. 소스URL
8. 비디오 Midterm Assessment Exam URL
문서 Midterm Assessment Exam 소스URL
9. 비디오 Writing Reference Letters/Recommendation Letters This course identifies the definitions, importance, parts and format in writing reference letters. It also focuses on the pronoun-antecedent agreement in vocabulary and identifies sentence fragments and dangling modifiers in grammar. URL
문서 Writing Reference Letters/Recommendation Letters This course identifies the definitions, importance, parts and format in writing reference letters. It also focuses on the pronoun-antecedent agreement in vocabulary and identifies sentence fragments and dangling modifiers in grammar. 소스URL
10. 비디오 Writing Research Proposals This course defines and determines the importance, types and steps to follow in writing research proposals. It also discusses the use of synonyms and antonyms in vocabulary and the correct use of punctuation in grammar. URL
문서 Writing Research Proposals This course defines and determines the importance, types and steps to follow in writing research proposals. It also discusses the use of synonyms and antonyms in vocabulary and the correct use of punctuation in grammar. 소스URL
11. 비디오 Writing Research Paper This course examines the different sections of writing research papers and identifies the grammar and writing skills needed for each section and the use of correct research terminologies. URL
문서 Writing Research Paper This course examines the different sections of writing research papers and identifies the grammar and writing skills needed for each section and the use of correct research terminologies. 소스URL
12. 비디오 Writing Technical Reports This course enumerates the contents, steps and guidelines in writing technical reports as well as proofreading techniques to be used. It also reviews the use of prefixes and suffixes in vocabulary as well as the grammar rules for count and noncount nouns. URL
문서 Writing Technical Reports This course enumerates the contents, steps and guidelines in writing technical reports as well as proofreading techniques to be used. It also reviews the use of prefixes and suffixes in vocabulary as well as the grammar rules for count and noncount nouns. 소스URL
13. 비디오 Writing Manual of Instructions This course identifies the different qualities, types, parts and steps of writing manual of instructions . It also discusses the use of action words and imperatives in vocabulary section and grammar rules used in passive and active voice. URL
문서 Writing Manual of Instructions This course identifies the different qualities, types, parts and steps of writing manual of instructions . It also discusses the use of action words and imperatives in vocabulary section and grammar rules used in passive and active voice. 소스URL
14. 비디오 Writing Newsletters This course presents the pre-writing tips, steps and various strategies in writing newsletters. It also explains the use of adjectives and adverbs in the vocabulary section and the grammar rules in subject and object pronouns. URL
문서 Writing Newsletters This course presents the pre-writing tips, steps and various strategies in writing newsletters. It also explains the use of adjectives and adverbs in the vocabulary section and the grammar rules in subject and object pronouns. 소스URL
15. 비디오 Final Assessment Exam URL
문서 Final Assessment Exam 소스URL

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