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    자연과학 >생물ㆍ화학ㆍ환경 >생명과학
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    4.5/5.0 (2)
The course will cover both cellular and systems level neurophysiology. In addition to teaching the mechanistic structure and function of neurons and networks of neurons, I will emphasize the organization and flow of information (the computational function of the brain). The course will cover basic aspects of neuroscience. It is not necessary that students have had any previous neuroscience coursework, but basic knowledge of cellular and molecular biology is strongly recommended.
Introduction: Cellular and Systems Neurophysiology
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Introduction: Cellular and Systems Neurophysiology The contents of this course wiill include (1) Electrical properties of neuronal membranes
(2) Synaptic function (3) Systems (networks) of neurons, including computational principles of their organization
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문서 Introduction: Cellular and Systems Neurophysiology - 강의자료 The contents of this course will include (1) Electrical properties of neuronal membranes,
(2) Synaptic function, (3) Systems (networks) of neurons, including computational principles of their organization.
2. 비디오 Overview of Neurons and the Nervous System The contents of this course will include (1) General computational theory of the nervous system,
(2) Biological information, (3) Amatomy of a single neuron and about the kinds of neurons.
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문서 Overview of Neurons and the Nervous System - 강의자료 The contents of this course will include (1) General computational theory of the nervous system,
(2) Biological information, (3) Amatomy of a single neuron and about the kinds of neurons.
3. 비디오 A Neuron’s Membrane Voltage The contents of this course will include (1) the Principle of ion movement,
(2) Equilibrium potential and Nernst Equation.
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문서 A Neuron’s Membrane Voltage - 강의자료 The contents of this course will include (1) the Principle of ion movement,
(2) Equilibrium potential and Nernst Equation.
4. 비디오 Dynamic Regulation of Membrane Voltage 1_01 The contents of this lecture will include (1) action potential,
(2) the Hodgkin-Huxley model, (3) ion channel properties.
비디오 Dynamic Regulation of Membrane Voltage 1_02 The contents of this lecture will include (1) action potential,
(2) the Hodgkin-Huxley model, (3) ion channel properties.
문서 Dynamic Regulation of Membrane Voltage 1 - 강의자료 The contents of this lecture will include (1) action potential,
(2) the Hodgkin-Huxley model, (3) ion channel properties.
비디오 Dynamic Regulation of Membrane Voltage 2 The contents of this lecture will include (1) properties of voltage-gated ion channels, (2) action potential conduction, (2) the diversity of ion channels URL
5. 비디오 Dynamic Regulation of Membrane Voltage 3 and Synaptic Transmission 1 The contents of this lecture will include (1) current-voltage relationship, (2) synaptic transmission. URL
문서 Dynamic Regulation of Membrane Voltage 3 and Synaptic Transmission 1 - 강의자료 The contents of this lecture will include (1) current-voltage relationship, (2) synaptic transmission. 소스URL
비디오 Synaptic Transmission 2 The contents of this lecture will include (1) the transmission step by neurotransmitter in synaptic cleft, (2) current and voltage clamp experiments, (3) release probability and mPSC. URL
6. 비디오 Neurochemistry The contents of this lecture will include (1) the neurotransmitters, (2) various recepters of neurochemicals, (3) intracellular signal trasduction steps. URL
문서 Neurochemistry - 강의자료 The contents of this lecture will include (1) the neurotransmitters, (2) various recepters of neurochemicals, (3) intracellular signal trasduction steps. 소스URL
7. 비디오 Wiring the Brain 1 The contents of this lecture will include (1) the connectivity of neurons, (2) approach by computational neuroscience, (3) neural development URL
비디오 Wiring the Brain 2 The contents of this lecture will include (1) the activity-dependent synaptic rearrangement and how the ocular dominance can be changed, (2) the theory of Hebbian plasticity. URL
비디오 Wiring the Brain 3 The contents of this lecture will include (1) the critical period of each brain functions, (2) end of critical period, (3) properties of NMDA receptor. URL
8. 비디오 Synaptic Plasticity 1 The contents of this lecture will include (1) LTP and LTD phenomena, (2) the experiment of learning and memory in aplysia. URL
비디오 Synaptic Plasticity 2 The contents of this lecture will include (1) mechanism of cerebellum LTD, (2) hippocampal plasticity, (3) molecular mechanism of synaptic plasticity. URL
9. 비디오 General Theory 1 The contents of this lecture will include the paper of General Theory by Christopher D. Fiorillo. URL
비디오 General Theory 2 The contents of this lecture will include the paper of General Theory by Christopher D. Fiorillo. URL
문서 General Theory - 강의자료 The contents of this lecture will include the paper of General Theory by Christopher D. Fiorillo. 소스URL
비디오 General Theory 3 The contents of this lecture will include the paper of General Theory by Christopher D. Fiorillo. URL
10. 비디오 The Retina 1 The contents of this lecture will include (1) the anatomy of retina, (2) properties of retinal neurons, (3) phototransduction mechanism. URL
문서 The Retina - 강의자료 The contents of this lecture will include (1) the anatomy of retina, (2) properties of retinal neurons, (3) phototransduction mechanism. 소스URL
비디오 The Retina 2 The contents of this lecture will include (1) the properties of bipolar cells, (2) receptive field of retinal ganglion neurons. URL
11. 비디오 The Central Visual System 1 The contents of this lecture will include (1) the retinofugal projection pathway, (2) cell type and structure of lateral geniculate nucleus(LGN), (3) anatomy of striate cortex. URL
비디오 The Central Visual System 2 The contents of this lecture will include (1) anatomy and physiology of striate cortex, (2) orientation, motion, color selectivity encoding in V1, (3) other regions for visual processing in cortex. URL
문서 The Central Visual System-강의자료 The contents of this lecture will include (1) anatomy and physiology of striate cortex, (2) orientation, motion, color selectivity encoding in V1, (3) other regions for visual processing in cortex. 소스URL
12. 비디오 Seminar by Christof Koch 1 The contents of this lecture is seminar by Christof Koch, 2009/11/19. URL
비디오 Seminar by Christof Koch 2 The contents of this lecture is seminar by Christof Koch, 2009/11/19. URL
13. 비디오 Inference, Perception, Attention in Cortex 1 The contents of this lecture will include (1) the perception and attention in cortex, (2) relative phenomenon and experiments to attentional function. URL
비디오 Inference, Perception, Attention in Cortex 2 The contents of this lecture will include (1)relative phenomenon and experiments to attentional function, (2) Basic brain structures for dopamine. URL
문서 Inference, Perception, Attention in Cortex-강의자료 The contents of this lecture will include (1) the perception and attention in cortex, (2) relative phenomenon and experiments to attentional function. 소스URL
14. 비디오 Dopamine and Reward (1) The contents of this lecture will include (1) two aspects of dopamine function, (2) Prediction error and reward. URL
문서 Dopamine and Reward-강의자료 The contents of this lecture will include (1) two aspects of dopamine function, (2) Prediction error and reward. 소스URL
비디오 Dopamine and Reward (2) The contents of this lecture will include (1) two aspects of dopamine function, (2) Prediction error and reward. URL
15. 비디오 The motor system The contents of this lecture will include (1) the anatomy of cortex, basal ganglia, spinal cord, (2) input and output of motor neuron, (3) myotatic reflex. URL
문서 The motor system-강의자료 The contents of this lecture will include (1) the anatomy of cortex, basal ganglia, spinal cord, (2) input and output of motor neuron, (3) myotatic reflex. 소스URL

연관 자료


사용자 의견

강의 평가를 위해서는 로그인 해주세요.
ac**** 2010-10-01 20:37
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