
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >경영ㆍ경제 >국제경영 및 통상학
  • 강의학기
    2017년 1학기
  • 조회수
The major issue fields covered include historical international systems, balance of power, national interests, conflict and conflict resolution, diplomacy, and international law.

본 강의에서는 역사적인 국제체제, 세력균형, 국가이익, 분쟁 및 분쟁해결, 외교, 그리고 국제법 등을 다룹니다.

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 The Nature of International Relations "Lesson 1: What is International Relations? " URL
비디오 The Nature of International Relations "Lesson 2: Anarchy in the International System " URL
비디오 The Nature of International Relations Lesson 3: Theoretical Approached to International Relations URL
2. 비디오 Realism, Liberalism, Levels of Analysis Lesson 4: Realism & Neo-realsim URL
비디오 Realism, Liberalism, Levels of Analysis Lesson 5: Liberalism & Neo-liberalism URL
비디오 Realism, Liberalism, Levels of Analysis Lesson 6: Levels of Analysis URL
3. 비디오 Actors in International Politics "Lesson 7: State Actors " URL
비디오 Actors in International Politics Lesson 8: Non-State Actors URL
비디오 Actors in International Politics Lesson 9: The State and Sovereignty URL
4. 비디오 The Balance of Power System Lesson 10: Balance of Power 1 URL
비디오 The Balance of Power System Lesson 11: Balance of Power 2 URL
비디오 The Balance of Power System Lesson 12: Balance of Power 3 URL
5. 비디오 The Collective Security System Lesson 13: The Collective Security System 1 URL
비디오 The Collective Security System Lesson 14: The Collective Security System 2 URL
비디오 The Collective Security System Lesson 15: The Collective Security System 3 URL
6. 비디오 Balance of Terror Lesson 16: The Balance of Terror System 1 URL
비디오 Balance of Terror Lesson 17: The Balance of Terror System 2 URL
비디오 Balance of Terror Lesson 18: The Korean Question 1 - The Division of the Korean Peninsula URL
7. 비디오 The Korean Question & Power Lesson 19: The Korean Question 2 - The Korean War URL
비디오 The Korean Question & Power Lesson 20: Power URL
비디오 The Korean Question & Power Lesson 21: Review Lesson URL
8. 비디오 Mid-term Exam Review 1 URL
비디오 Mid-term Exam Review 2 URL
비디오 Mid-term Exam Review 3 URL
9. 비디오 National Power & National Interest Lesson 22: National Power URL
비디오 National Power & National Interest Lesson 23: National Interest URL
비디오 National Power & National Interest Lesson 24: Diplomacy - What is diplomacy? URL
10. 비디오 Diplomacy Lesson 25: Diplomacy - Institutions URL
비디오 Diplomacy Lesson 26: Diplomacy - Diplomatic Immunities URL
비디오 Diplomacy Lesson 27: Interdependence URL
11. 비디오 Foreign Policy Lesson 28: Foreign Policy - Goals URL
비디오 Foreign Policy Lesson 29: Foreign Policy - Factors URL
비디오 Foreign Policy Lesson 30: Graham Allison's 3 Models of Decision-making URL
12. 비디오 War & Conflict Lesson 31: Wha is War? URL
비디오 War & Conflict Lesson 32: Causes of War URL
비디오 War & Conflict Lesson 33: Conflist Settlement URL
13. 비디오 Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control Lesson 34: Nuclear Proliferation URL
비디오 Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control Lesson 35: Arms Control URL
비디오 Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control Lesson 36: North Korea and Nuclear Weapons URL
14. 비디오 International Organization Lesson 37: Terrorism URL
비디오 International Organization Lesson 38: International Organization - the United Nations URL
비디오 International Organization Lesson 39: International Organization - European Union URL

연관 자료


사용자 의견

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