
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    자연과학 >수학ㆍ물리ㆍ천문ㆍ지리 >수학
  • 강의학기
    2017년 1학기
  • 조회수
  • 평점
    5/5.0 (4)
We study the basic concepts of probability theory, random variables, the distribution of random variables and random processes. Applications of probability and random processes are also treated. Therefore the goal of this course should be to teach the basic probability concepts and a faculty in the use of probability tools for analysing the complexity of the systems encountered in engineering practice statistically and applying the results effectively.

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 1. Probability Models in Electrical and Computer Engineering 1. Probability Models in Electrical and Computer Engineering URL
2. 비디오 2. Specify Random Experiments, The Axioms of Probability 2. Specify Random Experiments, The Axioms of Probability URL
3. 비디오 3. Conditional Probability, Independence of Events, Sequential Experiments 3. Conditional Probability, Independence of Events, Sequential Experiments URL
비디오 4. Conditional Probability, Independence of Events, Sequential Experiments 4. Conditional Probability, Independence of Events, Sequential Experiments URL
비디오 5. Conditional Probability, Independence of Events, Sequential Experiments 5. Conditional Probability, Independence of Events, Sequential Experiments URL
비디오 6. Conditional Probability, Independence of Events, Sequential Experiments 6. Conditional Probability, Independence of Events, Sequential Experiments URL
비디오 7. Conditional Probability, Independence of Events, Sequential Experiments 7. Conditional Probability, Independence of Events, Sequential Experiments URL
비디오 8. Conditional Probability, Independence of Events, Sequential Experiments 8. Conditional Probability, Independence of Events, Sequential Experiments URL
4. 비디오 9. Cumulative Distribution Function , Probability Density Function 9. Cumulative Distribution Function , Probability Density Function URL
비디오 10. Cumulative Distribution Function , Probability Density Function 10. Cumulative Distribution Function , Probability Density Function URL
비디오 11. Cumulative Distribution Function , Probability Density Function 11. Cumulative Distribution Function , Probability Density Function URL
5. 비디오 12. Function of Random Variable, The Expected Value of Random Variables 12. Function of Random Variable, The Expected Value of Random Variables URL
6. 비디오 13. The Markov and Chebyshev Inequalities Multiple Random Variables 13. The Markov and Chebyshev Inequalities Multiple Random Variables URL
7. 비디오 14. Joint cdf 14. Joint cdf URL
비디오 15. The joint cdf, The joint pdf 15. The joint cdf, The joint pdf URL
8. 비디오 16. Joint pdf of two continuous random variables 16. Joint pdf of two continuous random variables URL
9. 비디오 17. Independence od two random variables 17. Independence od two random variables URL
10. 비디오 18. Expected value of a function of two random variables 18. Expected value of a function of two random variables URL
11. 비디오 19. Function of two random variables 19. Function of two random variables URL
비디오 20. Function of two random variables 20. Function of two random variables URL
비디오 21. Function of two random variables 21. Function of two random variables URL
12. 비디오 22. Random process 22. Random process URL
13. 비디오 23. Specifying a Random Process 23. Specifying a Random Process URL

연관 자료


사용자 의견

강의 평가를 위해서는 로그인 해주세요. 로그인팝업
wk***** 2020-03-23 02:34
그저 빛..
운영자2018-06-22 09:26
KOCW입니다. KOCW를 통한 강의자료 제공은 어렵다는 경북대학교의 답변을 받았습니다. 양해 부탁드립니다.
운영자2018-06-21 17:21
KOCW입니다. 강의자료에 대해 경북대학교로 문의하였습니다. 답변이 오는대로 안내 드리도록 하겠습니다.
ls***** 2018-06-21 17:14
혹시 강의자료도 올려주실수 있는지 궁금합니다.


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    ※ 강의별로 교수님의 사정에 따라 전체 차시 중 일부 차시만 공개되는 경우가 있으니 양해 부탁드립니다.
