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  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >경영ㆍ경제 >경제학
  • 강의학기
    2018년 1학기
  • 조회수
  • 평점
    5/5.0 (2)
<교재 및 출처>

- Intermediate Microeconomics 9th edition by Hal R. Varian (It is fine if you use an older edition.)

- Freakonomics by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner. Ch. 1 (Incentive)

- What Money Can’t Buy by Michael Sandel. Introduction and Ch. 1 (Efficiency vs.Equality)

- Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely Ch. 1, 2 (Behavioral Economics)

- Undercover Economist by Tim Harford. Ch. 2 (Price Discrimination), Ch. 5 (Asymmetric Information)

- Economics: The User’s Guide by Ha-joon Chang (Ch. 1)

- International Economics 2nd editionby Robert Feenstra and Alan Taylor (Ch.2,3,4,5)

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Constraint (Ch. 2) This lecture first reviews the overall structure of the consumer theory and explains budget constraint and its changing shape as an example of scarcity URL
비디오 Preferences (Ch. 3) Understands 6 axioms to derive the theory of consumer preference and examines the shape of indifference curves, different kinds of preferences, and marginal rate of substitution URL
비디오 Utility (Ch. 4) Introduces utility functions to mathematically represent theory of preferences and revisit marginal utility and marginal rate of substitution using calculus URL
2. 비디오 Utility II (Ch. 4) Shows that preference relations are ordinally maintained under monotonic transformations URL
비디오 Optimization (Ch. 5) Find optimal consumption bundles through maximizing utility subject to budget constraint, through which a demand curve is derived. In addition, several propertities of the Cobb-Douglas utility function is examined. URL
비디오 Optimization II (Ch. 5) Revisit the constrained optimization using utility functions represented by other preference relations - perfect substitutes and perfect complements URL
3. 비디오 Demand and Slutsky II (Ch. 6, 8) From the optimal consumption bundles, this lecture derives a demand curve and many other important curves, as well as the Slutsky Equation URL
비디오 Demand and Slutsky II (Ch. 6, 8) The Slutsky Equation will derive Marshallian and Hicks Demand, which are analyzed depending on whether goods are normal, inferior, and Giffen. The case of perfect complements will be discussed as well. URL
비디오 Consumer Surplus (Ch. 14) Discusses compensating variation based on the Hicks demand and compares it with the change of consumer surplus. Reviews problem set questions based on Cobb Douglas preference and perfect complements URL
4. 비디오 Technology (Ch. 19) Introduces producer theory as opposed to consumer part. Using the Cobb-Douglas production function, this lecture examines diminishing marginal products, as well as decreasing, constant, and increasing returns to scale URL
비디오 Profit Maximization (Ch. 20) Introduces profit maximization subject to production constraint, and, using short-run 1 input 1 output model (Ix1), this lecture derives optimal solution for input and output, known as labor demand and output supply. URL
비디오 Cost Minimization (Ch. 21) Profit maximization is revisited through cost minimization with 1x2 model and examines the relationship between returns to scale and cost funciton URL
5. 비디오 Problem Set Review Understands how microeconomic theories are applied to International trade theories (e.g. Ricardian Model and short-run Specific Factors Model where capital is fixed) URL
비디오 Cost Curves (Ch. 22) Inrdoduces concepts like fixed cost, variable cost, average cost, and relate them with returns to scale. Provide graphical explanations on profit and shutdown points URL
비디오 Perfect Competition (Ch. 23. 24) Examine a perfectly competitive market with price takes and free entry/exit, and go over profit maximization where price is same as the marginal cost URL
비디오 Application: Specific Factors Model Examine the Specific Factors Model based on the perfect competition and the constant returns to scale, and use Korea-US and Korea-China FTA as examples for gain and loss from trade. URL
6. 비디오 Monopoly I (Ch. 25) Examines the profit maximizing condition of a monopoly firm where marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost and find an equilibrium, an area of profit and deadeweigt loss in the graph with demand, average cost, and marginal cost. Find another deadweight loss and inefficient resource allocation in the case of tariff URL
비디오 Monopoly II (Ch. 25) Review a problem set question to compare a monopolist's profit maximizing level of equilibrium with socially optimal choice, and discusses the importance of both patent and generic medicines. URL
비디오 Monopolistic Competition (Ch. 26) Monopolisitc competition is introduced as opposed to perfect competition and monopoly, with particular reference to zero profit and market power of firms. Combined with increasing returns to scale, monopolistic competition also explains agglomeration in economic geography and median voter theorem in political economy. URL
비디오 Application: New Trade Theory Inroduces Paul Krugman's New Trade Theory as another example of monopolistic competition and incresing returns to scale to explain product differetiation and intra-industry trade. Derives gains from trade from the fact varieties make consumer demand more elastic. URL
7. 비디오 General Equilibrium I Extend the topic from partial to general equilibrium analysis. Provide alebraic explanations on how to find equilibrium in a pure exchange economy URL
비디오 General Equilibrium II (Ch. 9, 32) Intoduces the Edgeworth Box and draws initial endowments, budget, buying and selling, equilibrium, and mutual utility improvement in the box. Explains the Walras' Law, as well. URL
비디오 General Equilibrium III (Ch. 9, 32) Introduces the First Fundamentatl Theorem of Welfare Economics in which equilibrlium in efficient under certain conditions, and visualize this on the Edgeworth Box using the contract cuve where MRS of the two people's utility functions are equalized. Briefly mentions the tradeoffs between efficiency and equality, and provide several examples based on different kinds of utility functions URL
8. 비디오 General Equilibrium IV (Ch. 33) Takes production part into considerations. A set of efficient allocation of labor and capital is derived where MRTS of two production functions are equalized. A PPF is derived from here. URL
비디오 General Equilibrium V (Ch. 33) An Edgeworth Box is provided inside the PPF to explain how goods produced on the PPF are consumed by two consumers. Finds the economy-wide efficiency where consumers' MRS is equal to the slope of PPF, known as marginal rate of transformation (MRT) URL
비디오 Application to International Trade I Going over problem set question on the Specific Factors Model of International Trade, based on general equilibrium URL
비디오 Application to International Trade II Examines, using general equilibrium theories, the long-run and short-run impact of immigration on real wage of domestic workers. Briefly introduces the Rybczynski Theorem. URL
9. 비디오 Game Theory I Introduces game elements and Nash Equilibrium. Also introduces the prisoners' dilemma game as an example of simultaneous non-cooperative game, and explains that individually best strategy may turn out to be not the best for the group URL
비디오 Game Theory II Examines multiple Nash Equilibrium and mixed strategy Nash Equilibrium, and show that equilibrium does exist URL
비디오 Game Theory III Reviews problem set questions, including nuclear power game as a prisoners' dilemma and coordinated investment game for the big push from development economics URL
10. 비디오 Game Theory IV Introduces the backward induction and subgame perfect equilibrium in a sequential game. Examines Nash Equilibrium as the self-fulling prophesy and relate "belief" with "perfect" URL
비디오 Game Theory V Introduces the Cournot Nash Equilibrium as a part of oligopolistic behavior, and examines why cartel through collusion is vulnerable URL
비디오 Game Theory VI Examines the Stackelberg Equilibrium between leaders and followers in a sequential game, and briefly introduces asymmetric information and adverse selection as another field of economics dealing with imperfect information URL

연관 자료


사용자 의견

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pa******* 2023-12-15 00:33
231214 Constraint (Ch. 2) 들음


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