
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


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    교육학 >교육일반 >기타
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Seven lesson starts for use on the interactive whiteboard. Each clip introduces a different scientific topic through documentary or drama. A year group is suggested for each clip. The clips are listed below, along with their starting times within the programme: Year 6 00:27 - Water, water everywhere: changing states Year 5 02:26 - The Bear: changing sounds Year 5 04:41 - Breaking the chain: habitats Year 4 06:54 - Cross-country: characteristics of materials Year 3 09:02 - The skid pan: friction Year 4 10:06 - Helpful or harmful? - micro-organisms Year 6 12:27 - The Archers: muscles and bones

Video Series: Lesson Starters
Release Date 2008

연관 자료


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