
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >경영ㆍ경제 >경영학
  • 강의학기
    2016년 2학기
  • 조회수
기업이 지향하여야 할 경영활동의 목표를 기업가치의 극대화에 두고 이를 달성하기 위한 투자결정기능, 자금조달기능, 배당결정기능을 합리적으로 수행하는 데 필요한 이론과 기법을 배운다.
Ch1. Introduction to Corporate Finance
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Ch1. Introduction to Corporate Finance Introduction to Corporate Finance URL
2. 비디오 ch2. Financial Statements & Cash Flow Financial Statements, Tax, Cash Flow URL
3. 비디오 ch3. Working with Financial Statements Ratio Analysis, Du Pont Identity URL
4. 비디오 Ch4. Long-term Financing Planning and Growth Financial Planning Model, External Financing Needed and Growth URL
5. 비디오 Ch5&Ch6. Valuation Time Value of Money and DCF Valuation URL
비디오 Ch5&Ch6. Valuation Future Values of Multiple Cash Flows, Valuing Level Cash Flows: Annuities and Perpetuities URL
6. 비디오 [1st] Ch7. Bond Valuation Bond Features and Valuation URL
비디오 [2nd] ch7. Bond Valuation Bond Features and Valuation URL
비디오 [3rd] ch7. Bond Valuation Bond Features and Valuation URL
7. 비디오 [1st] ch8. Stock Valuation Stock Features and Valuation URL
비디오 [2nd] ch8. Stock Valuation Stock Features and Valuation URL
비디오 [3rd] ch8. Stock Valuation Stock Features and Valuation URL
8. 비디오 [1st] Ch9. Net Present Value and Other Investment Criteria NPV, Payback, AAR, IRR, PI URL
비디오 [2nd] Ch9. Net Present Value and Other Investment Criteria NPV, Payback, AAR, IRR, PI URL
비디오 [3rd] Ch9. Net Present Value and Other Investment Criteria NPV, Payback, AAR, IRR, PI URL
9. 비디오 [1st] Ch10&Ch11. Investment Decisions & Evaluations Incremental Cash Flows, Project Cash Flows, Project Analysis URL
비디오 [2nd] Ch10&Ch11. Investment Decisions & Evaluations Incremental Cash Flows, Project Cash Flows, Project Analysis URL
비디오 [3rd] Ch10&Ch11. Investment Decisions & Evaluations Incremental Cash Flows, Project Cash Flows, Project Analysis URL
10. 비디오 [1st] Ch12&13. Return, Risk, and the Security Market Line Diversification Effect, CAPM, SML URL
비디오 [2nd] Ch12&13. Return, Risk, and the Security Market Line Diversification Effect, CAPM, SML URL
비디오 [3rd] Ch12&13. Return, Risk, and the Security Market Line Diversification Effect, CAPM, SML URL
11. 비디오 [1st] Ch14. Cost of Capital Equity COC, Debt COC, WACC URL
비디오 [2nd] Ch14. Cost of Capital Equity COC, Debt COC, WACC URL
비디오 [3rd] Ch14. Cost of Capital Equity COC, Debt COC, WACC URL
12. 비디오 [1st] Ch16. Capital Structure Policy Effect of Financial Leverage, Static Theory, Pecking Order Theory URL
비디오 [2nd] Ch16. Capital Structure Policy Effect of Financial Leverage, Static Theory, Pecking Order Theory URL
비디오 [3rd] Ch16. Capital Structure Policy Effect of Financial Leverage, Static Theory, Pecking Order Theory URL
13. 비디오 [1st] Ch17. Dividend and Payout Policy Theory, Real World Practice, Stock Repurchase URL
비디오 [2nd] Ch17. Dividend and Payout Policy Theory, Real World Practice, Stock Repurchase URL
비디오 [3rd] Ch17. Dividend and Payout Policy Theory, Real World Practice, Stock Repurchase URL

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