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    공학 >컴퓨터ㆍ통신 >정보통신공학
  • 강의학기
    2015년 1학기
  • 조회수
<교재 및 출처>

“Data and Computer Communications", by William Stallings, 10th Edition, Pearson Education, 2014.

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 1-1.Overview The Scope of the book, Technological Advancement Driving Forces, Today's Data Communications and Networking, Convergence, A Communications Model, Communications tasks URL
비디오 1-2 Overview The need For Protocol Architecture, Protocol Architecture, Key Features of a Protocol, Network Access Layer, Transport Layer, Application Layer, Addressing, PDU, TCP/IP, URL
2. 비디오 1-3 Overview Local Area Networks(LAN), LAN Configurations, Metropolitan Area Networks(MAN), The Internet, Internet Elements, Networking configuration, URL
비디오 2-1 Protocol Architecture The Need For Protocol Architecture, Protocol Architecture, Key Features of a Protocol, A Simple Protocol, Network Access Layer, Application Layer URL
3. 비디오 2-2 Protocol Architecture Protocol Architecture and Networks, Addresing, PDU , TCP/IP Protocol Architecture, Physical Layer, Network Access Layer, Internet Layer, Adderesing level, PDUs in TCP/IP URL
4. 비디오 2-3 Protocol Architecture TCP, PDUs in TCP/IP, TCP Header, UDP, IPv6, OSI, OSI Layers, The OSI Environment URL
비디오 2-4 Protocol Architecture Standardized Protocol Architectures, Service Primitives and Parameters, Timing Sequence for Service Primitives, Multimedia Taxonomy, URL
5. 비디오 4-2 Transmission Media Optical Fiber-Benefits, Applications, Transmission Characteristics, Data Rate and Bandwidth, Channel Capacity, Attenuation, Delay Distortion, URL
비디오 4-1 Transmission Media Design Factors, Guided Transmission Media, Twisted Pair, Unshielded and Shielded TP, UTP, STP, Terminologies, Signal Power Relationships, Coaxial Cable, Optical Fiber URL
6. 비디오 6-2 Digital Data Communication Techniques The Internet Checksum, Cyclic Redundancy Check(CRC), Implementation URL
비디오 6-3 Digital Data Communication Techniques CRC, Implementation, Error Correction, Error Correction Process Diagram, Working of Error Correction, Line Confuguration URL
7. 비디오 7-1 Data Link Control Protocol Data Link Control Protocol, Flow Control, Model of Frame Transmission URL
비디오 7-1 Data Link Control Protocol Data Link Control Protocol, Flow Control, Model of Frame Transmission URL
8. 비디오 7-2 Data Link Control Protocol Stop-and-Wait Flow Control, Stop and Wait Link Utillzation, Fragmentation, Sliding-Window Flow Control, Sliding Window Diagram, Example Sliding Window URL
9. 비디오 7-3 Data Link Control Protocol Error Control, Automatic Repeat Request(ARQ), Go-Back-N ARQ, ARQ Utilization as a Function URL
비디오 9-1 WAN Technology and Protocols Packet Swiching Principles, Basic Operation, Use of Packets, Advantages, Switching Technique, Datagram, Virtual Circuit, Effect of Packet Size, Example URL
10. 비디오 9-2 WAN Technology and Protocols Asynchronous Transger Mode(ATM), ATM Connection Relationships, Advantags of Virtual Paths, Call Establishment Using VPs, ATM Cells, Header Format, HEC, Effect of Error in Cell Header URL
11. 비디오 11-1 LAN Overview Local Area Networks(LANs), LAN Topologies, Bus and Tree Topologies, Ring Topology, Frame Transmission of Ring LAN, Star Topology, LAN Protocol Architecture, Physical Layer, Logical Link Control, LCC Services URL
12. 비디오 11-2 LAN Overview LCC Services, LCC Service Alternative, LCC Protocol, Key parameters in MAC, Asynchronous Systems, Bridges, URL
13. 비디오 11-3 LAN Overview Bridge Design Aspects, Bridge Protocol Architecture, Connection of Two LANs, Hubs, Buses and Hubs, Swith Benefits URL
비디오 11-4 LAN Overview A LAN Configuration, A partitioned LAN, Virtual LANs(VLANs), A VLAN Configuration, Defining VLANs, Communicating VLAN Membership URL
14. 비디오 12-1 Ethernet IEEE 802 Standards URL
비디오 12-3 Ethernet Collision Detection, IEEE 802.3 Mac Frame Format, 100-Mbps Fast Ethernet, Full-Duplex Operation, Gigabit Ethernet-MAC, Advantages URL
15. 비디오 12-2 Ethernet Introduction, Characteristics of Some High-Speed LANs, Ethernet, ALOHA, CSMA or LBT, CSMA, Value of p, Collision Detection, Binary Exponential Backoff URL
비디오 12-4 Ethernet 10-Gbps Ethernet, configurations, Multilane Distribution, Packet Fragmentation and Reassembly URL

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