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  • 주제분류
    예술ㆍ체육 >무용ㆍ체육 >스포츠마케팅학
  • 강의학기
    2014년 1학기
  • 조회수
스포츠산업이 주요한 비즈니스의 한 영역을 차지하고 있는 현 시점에서 스포츠산업의 발전, 스포츠산업의 본질, 스포츠산업의 현황 그리고 스포츠서비스 산업체의 경영 현황 등에 대한 다양한 사례와 이에 대한 분석을 통해 국내 및 국외 스포츠산업을 전반적으로 조망하고 개별 스포츠산업의 미래를 전망할 수 있도록 한다.

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 The Introduction to Sport Industry 1. Understanding the types of sports 2. Understanding various settings for sporting activities 3. Introduction to major professional sports in the U. S. URL
2. 비디오 The Special Nature of Sports Industry 1. Understanding the special nature of sports industry 2. Understanding a model of sports industry 3. Understanding the importance of globalization inside the sports industry market URL
3. 비디오 Marketing Management in Sport 1. Understanding the marketing information system 2. Understanding the SWOT Analysis 3. Introduction to the marketing plan in the sports industry URL
4. 비디오 A Brief Glimpse into Soccer in Europe 1. Understanding the European big league soccer 2. Understanding the sponsorship inside the European big league soccer 3. Introduction to the Manchester United organization URL
5. 비디오 Promotions inside the sports indusry 1. Understanding the nature of promotion inside the sports industry 2. Understanding the nature of advertising inside the sports market 3. Introduction to the different kinds of promotional methods URL
6. 비디오 Promotional concepts and practices inside the sports industry 1. Understanding the different kinds of promotional methods inside the sports market 2. Understanding the promotional practices inside the sports industry 3. Introduction to various kinds of promotional components URL
7. 비디오 The importance of place inside the sport industry 1. Understanding the theory of place inside the sports industry 2. Understanding the importance of place among 5P's (Marketing Mix) 3. Introduction to the Borussia Dortmund home facility URL
8. 비디오 Place & Product distribution inside the sports industry 1. Understanding the special nature of place inside the sports industry 2. Understanding marketing channels for professional sports organizations. 3. Introduction to the Borussia Dortmund home facility URL
9. 비디오 Perspectives in Sport Consumer Behavior inside the sport industry 1. Understanding the special nature of sport consumer behavior 2. Understanding two different factors inside the sport consumer behavior 3. Understanding the decison making for sport involvement URL
10. 비디오 A basic overview of sport industry 1. Understanding the special nature of sport industry 2. Understanding the sports industry structure inside the major professional sport teams, tennis & golf in the U. S. 3. Understanding the various settings for sporting activities URL

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