
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    인문과학 >언어ㆍ문학 >영어영문학
  • 강의학기
    2023년 2학기
  • 조회수
  • 평점
    4/5.0 (1)
다양한 상황에 맞는 적절한 영어 표현을 생생한 현장감을 느끼면서 배운다. 영어 말하기와 듣기 중심의 훈련을 하며 학생 스스로 자신의 실력과 성과를 측정할 수 있어서 부족한 부분을 보충할 수 있도록 한다.
1. Welcome to the neighborhood 2. it's done
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 1. Welcome to the neighborhood 2. it's done URL
비디오 1. Two doors down 2. Nice to meet you 3. This is my partner 4. Lets cut to the chase URL
비디오 1. Give me the whole package 2. You got an appetite 3. Where you from? 4. How long have you known him? 5. I feel like Ive known him forever 6. Can I help you? 7. How did you two meet? URL
2. 비디오 1. a house warming gift 2. come by = stop by 3. I hope Im not interrupting 4. in the middle of something 5. she was reminded that… URL
비디오 1. Rumour has it that... 2. Gorgeous 3. I wouldnt get too gloomy by that... 4. In case 5. Work out URL
비디오 1. Im sorry to keep you 2. How can I help? 3. Id like to book ad flight 4. Its the busy season 5. It doesnt matter 6. Ill make other arrangements 7. All aboard! 8. Everybody off! URL
3. 비디오 1. Ready to order? 2. Nicely done 3. Ill have the exact same thing 4. You got it 5. Im impressed 6. no matter what I eat7. you can get away with it URL
비디오 1. I absolutely did not mean to do that 2. Im mortified 3. Let me get the dofyou 4. Half-caf 5. non-fat 6. wet cap 7. no lid URL
비디오 1. im not your type 2. Rumhas it that Im getting some really big news at work today 3. Ill buy you a cup of coffee 4. Sorry, this will just take a sec URL
4. 비디오 1. May I help you? 2. I am just checking things out 3. I dont think it would fit you 4. You wouldnt wait on me URL
비디오 1. Buckle up! 2. License and registration, please 3. I have a theory 4. It is very frustrating 5. It is your job URL
비디오 1. I am gonna have to ask you to step back now 2. I am just gonna let you off with a warning 3. I accept your apology URL
6. 비디오 1. why do you want to work in television? 2. become deeply committed to URL
비디오 1. That is matther of principle 2. I have been offered a job in television 3. Would you just hold it right there? 4. You are expected to give at least six weeks notice URL
비디오 1. So what is the problem, Samuel? 2. Is it something worse? 3. Can you give me any cluse at all? 4. Even if thats the case 5. There is nothing I can do about it 6. I mean I am a little relieved URL
7. 비디오 1. break up with her boyfriend 2. drop out of law school 3. sharpshooting 4. fool around 5. Who knows? 6. Do you mind me saying that? 7. Deal! URL
비디오 1. Please have your 94 forms filled out! 2. What is the purpose of your visit? 3. How long will you be staying in United States? 4. Could I see your return ticket please? 5. There is nothing we can do fyou here URL
비디오 1. The position has already been filled 2. particular about punctuality 3. You got to be kidding 4. whens the best time to reach you? 5. How is it going? URL
8. 비디오 1. World-renowned 2. Hold on a second 3. I will call you back 4. I am confused 5. So my dad dropped me off here 6. Get into mischief URL
비디오 1. Grooms on the right. Brides on the left 2. you had gone to Texas 3. It should be perfectly obvious I am neither URL
비디오 1. He wasnt the man fme after all 2. Charles, time to travel 3. So why didnt you get in touch, then? 4. I will show you to your seat URL
10. 비디오 1. You deserved it 2. Thats the key 3. to make matters worse 4. Jill wasnt right fyou URL
비디오 1. out of your league 2. in league URL
비디오 1. Im glad you came by 2. how am I supposed to know 3. So what are you gonna majin? 4. I could probably walk-on to the lacrosse team 5. Youve probably got it pretty figured out 6. I really have no idea URL
11. 비디오 1. Available 2. Licensed 3. Put somebody at ease 4. Its no big deal 5. Youve got a deal URL
비디오 1. Id like to return these 2. They are sealed 3. They are brand-new 4. This is ridiculous 5. Never mind URL
비디오 1. What a coincidence! 2. I was just singing your praises 3. Im flattered 4. I wont be able to make it 5. Problem solved! 6. Deal us in URL
12. 비디오 1. Im flattered 2. I wont be albe to make it 3. Problem solved! 4. Deal us in URL
비디오 1. How can I ever make amends fsuch behavior? 2. Surely you must know it was all fyou 3. You have bewitched me, body and soul 4. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on URL
비디오 1. No shot 2. Double nothing 3. the sailing enthusiasts 4. they have elected to exchange vows 5. through sickness and health, clear skies and squalls 6. And now I pronounce you husband and wife URL
13. 비디오 1. youre gonna sanction me 2. Im gonna refer you to the decision maker 3. rules that we have to stick to 4. what I gather 5. a scene 6. There you go 7. out of the area URL

연관 자료


사용자 의견

강의 평가를 위해서는 로그인 해주세요.
rk******* 2024-05-10 22:56


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    ※ 강의별로 교수님의 사정에 따라 전체 차시 중 일부 차시만 공개되는 경우가 있으니 양해 부탁드립니다.
