
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    인문과학 >언어ㆍ문학 >영어학
  • 강의학기
    2021년 2학기
  • 조회수
ABC 1: Always Be Challenged
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 ABC 1: Always Be Challenged Formal and Informal Language, Word Choice URL
비디오 BC 2: Always Be Courteous Patterns of Formality and Directness URL
2. 비디오 ABC 3: Always Be Calm Synonyms and Antonyms URL
비디오 ABC 4: Always Be Curious Word Families And Phrasal Verbs URL
3. 비디오 ABC 5: Always Be Contented Idioms, Slang and Texting Abbreviations URL
비디오 ABC 6: Always Be Comfortable Word Selection in Close and Distant Relationships URL
4. 비디오 ABC 7: Always Be Creative Directness and Indirectness Patterns URL
비디오 ABC 8: Always Be Committed Suggestions, Requests and Instructions URL
5. 비디오 ABC 9: Always Be Congenial Gerunds and Infinitives URL
비디오 ABC 10: Always Be Confident Similar Meanings and Homophones URL
6. 비디오 ABC 11: Always Be Compassionate Pronunciation of Stressed Words URL
비디오 ABC 12: Always Be Considerate Interpret Meaning from Inference URL
7. 비디오 ABC 13: Always Be Courageous Summarizing and Restating URL
비디오 ABC 14: Always Be Current Scanning Techniques and Speed Reading URL
8. 비디오 ABC 15: Always Be Cheerful Word Choices for Register and Tone URL
비디오 ABC 16: Always Be Caring Personal and Impersonal Social Obligations URL
9. 비디오 ABC 17: Always Be Clever Word Families and Cognates URL
비디오 ABC 18: Always Be Careful Imperative and Modal Verbs URL
10. 비디오 ABC 19: Always Be Charismatic Announcing, Discussing, and Enforcing Rules URL
비디오 ABC 20: Always Be Charming Paraphrasing Styles and Techniques URL
11. 비디오 ABC 21: Always Be Compatible Interpret Meaning of Context Clues URL
비디오 ABC 22: Always Be Contemplative Pronunciation of Contracted and Non-Contracted Words URL

연관 자료


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