
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >정밀ㆍ에너지 >원자력공학
  • 강의학기
    2013년 1학기
  • 조회수
This is a lecuture describing the atomic-level kinetics of thermal energy storage, transport (conduction, convection, and radiation), and transformation (various energy conversions) by principal ennergy carriers (phonon, electron, fluid particle, photon).
Introduction, introduction on new concepts
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Introduction, introduction on new concepts introduction to nuclear power plants, introduction to nuclear physics, cross section, npp accidents URL
2. 비디오 introduction on new concepts introduction of two-body collision mechanics and discussion URL
비디오 introduction on new concepts introduction of mechanisms of nucleus-ceutron interactions URL
3. 비디오 introduction on new concepts introduction of differential cross secion, scattering kernel, and remarks on cross section URL
비디오 introduction on new concepts introduction of Angular neutron flux and scalar flux URL
비디오 introduction on new concepts introduction on current, parital current, reaction rate, effective cross sections URL
4. 비디오 introduction on new concepts introduction on Maxwell-Boltzman distribution, 1/v-absorber URL
비디오 Introduction introduction on Four-factor formular, derivation of neutron diffusion equation URL
비디오 Fick's law, one-group diffusion equation introduction on Fick's law, one-group diffusion equation URL
5. 비디오 Introduction and discussion introduction and discussion on B.C. for diffusion equation, solution to diffusion equation, PS#3 URL
비디오 Introduction on new concept introduction on Albedo, kernel techniques, criticality condition URL
6. 비디오 Introduction on new concepts and Review Introduction on finite diffference solution, Eigenvalue, reactivity and review #1, URL
비디오 Introduction on new concepts Introduction on Finite different formulation, Gaussian elimination URL
7. 비디오 Introduction on new concepts introduction on Outer iteration, relative power, flux synthesis, two-group equation URL
비디오 Introduction on new concepts Derivation of point kinetics equation, Laplace transform URL
8. 비디오 Introduction on new concepts introduction on Solution of point kinetics equation, prompt jump, inhour equation URL
9. 비디오 Introduction on new concepts and discussion introduction on transfer function, simulink and discussion on PS#5 URL
10. 비디오 introduction on new concepts introduction on Slowing down density, collision density for H-medium URL
11. 비디오 introduction and review Exam review, resonance integral, T/H analysis of nuclear reactors URL

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