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  • 주제분류
    자연과학 >수학ㆍ물리ㆍ천문ㆍ지리 >물리학
  • 강의학기
    2011년 2학기
  • 조회수
The subject covers including time-independent and dependent perturbation theory, scattering theory, identical particles, electromagnetic interaction, etc.
Symmetries in Quantum Mechanics
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 문서 Symmetries in Quantum Mechanics (강의자료) Symmetries in Classical Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics, discrete symmetries, wave function under parity, an example of simple harmonic oscillator 소스URL
비디오 Symmetries in Quantum Mechanics Symmetries in Classical Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics, discrete symmetries, wave function under parity, an example of simple harmonic oscillator URL
2. 문서 Symmetric operator (강의자료) Digression on symmetry operators, time-reversal operator 소스URL
비디오 Symmetric operator Digression on symmetry operators, time-reversal operator URL
3. 문서 Time reversal operator for a spin 1/2 system (강의자료) Time reversal operator for a spin 1/2 system 소스URL
비디오 Time reversal operator for a spin 1/2 system Time reversal operator for a spin 1/2 system URL
4. 문서 Time-independent perturbation (강의자료) Time-independent perturbation theory - non-degenerate case, formal development of perturbation expansion 소스URL
비디오 Time-independent perturbation Time-independent perturbation theory - non-degenerate case, formal development of perturbation expansion URL
5. 문서 Wave function renormalization (강의자료) Wave function renormalization and its examples 소스URL
비디오 Wave function renormalization Wave function renormalization and its examples URL
6. 문서 Wave function computation (강의자료) Ground state wave function, degenerate perturbation theory, linear stark effect, the Bohr radius 소스URL
비디오 Wave function computation Ground state wave function, degenerate perturbation theory, linear stark effect, the Bohr radius URL
7. 문서 Degenerate perturbation theory (강의자료) Hydrogen-like atoms, relativistic correction, the zeeman effect 소스URL
비디오 Degenerate perturbation theory Hydrogen-like atoms, relativistic correction, the zeeman effect URL
8. 문서 Van der Waals interaction (강의자료) Van der Waals interaction, variational method 소스URL
비디오 Van der Waals interaction 1 Van der Waals interaction, variational method URL
비디오 Van der Waals interaction 2 Van der Waals interaction, variational method URL
9. 문서 Time-dependent perturbation (강의자료) Time-dependent perturbation, Time-dependent two-slate problem 소스URL
비디오 Time-dependent perturbation Time-dependent perturbation, Time-dependent two-slate problem URL
10. 문서 Time-dependent perturbation theroy (강의자료) Dyson Series, hormonic perturbation, application to interactions with the classical radiation field, energy shift and decay width 소스URL
11. 문서 Scattering theory (강의자료) The Lippmann-Schwinger equation, the born approximation, optical theorem 소스URL

연관 자료


사용자 의견

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