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  • 주제분류
    자연과학 >생물ㆍ화학ㆍ환경 >생물학
  • 강의학기
    2011년 2학기
  • 조회수
Omics approach has profoundly affected all aspects of Life Sciences including genetics, medical genetics, genomics, and proteomics. This course will cover three areas of the Life Sciences that gained whole new perspectives by the approach and raises new questions to current dogmas: Omics of whole genomes, whole proteomes, and structural proteomics.
Introduction, Origin of Universe
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차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Introduction, Origin of Universe 1. Introdution of lecture
2.Origin of Universe(from BigBang to solar system)
비디오 Introduction, Origin of Universe 1. Introdution of lecture
2.Origin of Universe(from BigBang to solar system)
비디오 Introduction, Origin of Universe 1. Introdution of lecture
2.Origin of Universe(from BigBang to solar system)
2. 비디오 Origin of life on Earth 1. Origin of life on Earth, How life start of Earth?, Is there life outside Earth?, Was there life outside Earth?
2. Single origin of life(LUCA: last universal common ancester), Evidence for single origin, chemical origin of building bio-blocksnucleotide, amino acids, fatty acis etc. from non-organic meterial), probability(change of certainty)
비디오 Single origin of life 1. Origin of life on Earth, How life start of Earth?, Is there life outside Earth?, Was there life outside Earth?
2. Single origin of life(LUCA: last universal common ancester), Evidence for single origin, chemical origin of building bio-blocksnucleotide, amino acids, fatty acis etc. from non-organic meterial), probability(change of certainty)
3. 비디오 Whole Genomes 1.Whole genomes, New era of genomics, Whole genome and epigenome sequences(Genome revolution), Gen-centric view vs Whole genome view, Gene structure of eukaryotes(include human) and composition of genome. 2.Human whole Genome, History of human evolution(composition of Human genome) URL
비디오 Human whole genome 1.Whole genomes, New era of genomics, Whole genome and epigenome sequences(Genome revolution), Gen-centric view vs Whole genome view, Gene structure of eukaryotes(include human) and composition of genome. 2.Human whole Genome, History of human evolution(composition of Human genome) URL
4. 비디오 1. Human whole genome(continued). 2. Human whole genome features, 2011. 1. Breif history of human genome sequencing, impact of such project. Types of major variation within genome. How the reference sequence derived. 2.Genome anatomy, Introduction of transposon, CNV(copy number variation). Types of polymorphic factors within genome. URL
비디오 1. Human whole genome(continued). 2. Human whole genome features, 2011. 1. Breif history of human genome sequencing, impact of such project. Types of major variation within genome. How the reference sequence derived. 2.Genome anatomy, Introduction of transposon, CNV(copy number variation). Types of polymorphic factors within genome. URL
비디오 1. Human whole genome(continued). 2. Human whole genome features, 2011. 1. Breif history of human genome sequencing, impact of such project. Types of major variation within genome. How the reference sequence derived. 2.Genome anatomy, Introduction of transposon, CNV(copy number variation). Types of polymorphic factors within genome. URL
5. 비디오 1. Transposon 1. Introduction of transposon elements(content ratio of transposon in genome). Classification of such elements(class-1 and class-2), Content of each transposon, origin of retrotreansposon(and retrovirus) URL
비디오 1. Transposon 1. Introduction of transposon elements(content ratio of transposon in genome). Classification of such elements(class-1 and class-2), Content of each transposon, origin of retrotreansposon(and retrovirus) URL
6. 비디오 1.SNP(single nucleotide polymorphism) 1. Introduction of SNP, there are about 3.8M common SNPs in human population), such amount can be(is) reduced by LD(linkage disquilibrium), as SNP blocks, represent in hapmap, Principle of SNP, derive SNP information from sample(micro-array), Haplotype URL
비디오 1.SNP(single nucleotide polymorphism) 1. Introduction of SNP, there are about 3.8M common SNPs in human population), such amount can be(is) reduced by LD(linkage disquilibrium), as SNP blocks, represent in hapmap, Principle of SNP, derive SNP information from sample(micro-array), Haplotype URL
7. 비디오 1. Introduction of phylogeny tree, 2. Genome diversity of Human, 3. Cancer genome 1. Tree building method(Distance-based and non-distance based), method for estimating support values, basic comcept of tree and term, what is distance matrix, 2. Human population diversity, recent studies based on mitochondria(maternal), Y chromosome(paternal), autosomal genetic marker, migration of human ancester. 3. What is cancer?, Its evolutionary process(natural behavior), mutation of cancer, passenger-driver gene. URL
비디오 1. Introduction of phylogeny tree, 2. Genome diversity of Human, 3. Cancer genome 1. Tree building method(Distance-based and non-distance based), method for estimating support values, basic comcept of tree and term, what is distance matrix, 2. Human population diversity, recent studies based on mitochondria(maternal), Y chromosome(paternal), autosomal genetic marker, migration of human ancester. 3. What is cancer?, Its evolutionary process(natural behavior), mutation of cancer, passenger-driver gene. URL
8. 비디오 1. Introduction of phylogeny tree, 2. Genome diversity of Human, 3. Cancer genome 1. Tree building method(Distance-based and non-distance based), method for estimating support values, basic comcept of tree and term, what is distance matrix, 2. Human population diversity, recent studies based on mitochondria(maternal), Y chromosome(paternal), autosomal genetic marker, migration of human ancester. 3. What is cancer?, Its evolutionary process(natural behavior), mutation of cancer, passenger-driver gene. URL

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