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    자연과학 >생물ㆍ화학ㆍ환경 >생명공학
  • 강의학기
    2011년 1학기
  • 조회수
세포생물학에 대해 공부한다.
Intro of students: interactive learning
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Intro of students: interactive learning Basic framework and current status; how we get to the conclusion/progress— key approaches and unexpected; Cell wall structure and function; Wall composition and cell type URL
비디오 Intro of students: interactive learning URL
비디오 Intro of students: interactive learning URL
2. 비디오 Membrane structure Formation of bilayers: It is an automatic/spontaneous process.
Dynamics of lipid bilayer
Fluidity, melting point, and phase transition of lipid bilayers
Membrane TransportStructure? The only “structure” concerns the tonoplast—vacuole membrane. Single bilayer of 10 nM thick and resembles plasma membrane. What are the differences between the two membranes? Molecular markers.
Most of plant cells have Large central vacuole. Bean mesophyll cells With chloroplasts and The central vacuole
비디오 Membrane structure URL
비디오 Membrane structure URL
3. 비디오 Plastids and Genome Interactions proplastids:most simple and least developed form of plastids. Found in least differentiated tissues such as meristem and reproductive cells. Very small (1 um diameter) and primitive suborganelle structure. URL
4. 비디오 Journey of a protein molecule What is translation? Where is translation occurs in plant cells?
Protein synthesis in chloroplasts
Posttranslational modification, folding, assembly, and death
비디오 Journey of a protein molecule What is translation? Where is translation occurs in plant cells?
Protein synthesis in chloroplasts
Posttranslational modification, folding, assembly, and death
비디오 Journey of a protein molecule What is translation? Where is translation occurs in plant cells?
Protein synthesis in chloroplasts
Posttranslational modification, folding, assembly, and death
5. 비디오 Protein targeting to organelles The problem: One place to make protein but many destinations—how does a protein know where to go and how to reach their “work place”?

Quality control of ER proteins
Quality control: unfolded proteins will be recognized by carrier proteins and transported back into the cytosol for degradation by ubiquitin-dependent proteasome.
6. 비디오 From Cytosol to organelles---post-translational translocation 1)The envelope: this is the barrier that separates N from cytosolic space. Inner and outer membrane: the outer membrane is connected with ER, perinuclear space connected with ER lumen.

2) Nuclear pores
Very large protein complex of more than 100 different proteins forms a basket-like structure through the double membranes
비디오 From Cytosol to organelles---post-translational translocation URL
비디오 From Cytosol to organelles---post-translational translocation URL
7. 비디오 Signal Transduction I---To put the cell in a “social context” how does a cell in a multicellular organism communicate with other cells? how does a plant (cell) respond to the constant bomardments of “stimuli” from both inside and outside world? URL
비디오 Signal Transduction I---To put the cell in a “social context” URL
비디오 Signal Transduction I---To put the cell in a “social context” URL
8. 비디오 Plant response to environment How do plants respond to light?
Photomorphogenesis --The light-induced developmental and morphological changes. So light not only serves as energy source for photosynthesis but also as a signal for growth and development. How does plants respond to light signal?
비디오 Plant response to environment URL
비디오 Plant response to environment URL
9. Plant hormone signaling What is a plant hormone? How to determine if a molecule functions as a hormone or not? Several criteria:1) produced by plant and has profound effect on growth and development 2) transportable (from one site to another inside the plant) 3) functions at a low level (often micromolar or less) 4) level regulated tightly by biosynthesis and degradation.

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