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    자연과학 >수학ㆍ물리ㆍ천문ㆍ지리 >수학
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본교과목은 편미분방정식, 해석학, 수치해석과 역학을 활용하여 수리모델/해석능력을 배우고 이를을 토대로 컴퓨터 알고리즘을 개발하고, 컴퓨터모의실험을 수행하고, 소프트웨어를 개발해 시각화한다.
Mathematical model 2: Inverse Problem (1)
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Mathematical model 2: Inverse Problem (1) Shear modulus reconstruction by low-frequency harmonic vibration URL
2. 비디오 Mathematical model 2: Inverse Problem (2) Generalized Hookes law URL
3. 비디오 Mathematical model 2: Inverse Problem (1) Maxwell equation - Eddy current model URL
4. 비디오 Mathematical model 2: Inverse Problem (2) Basics in MRI URL
5. 비디오 Mathematical model 2: Inverse Problem (3) URL
6. 비디오 Mathematical model 2: Inverse Problem (4) URL
7. 비디오 Mathematical model 2: Inverse Problem (1) URL
8. 비디오 Mathematical model 2: Inverse Problem (2) URL
9. 비디오 Mathematical model 2: Inverse Problem (3) URL
10. 비디오 Mathematical model 2: Inverse Problem Principle of MRI : reconstruction URL
11. 비디오 Mathematical model 2: Inverse Problem (2) Basics in MREIT(2) URL
12. 비디오 Mathematical model 2: Inverse Problem (1) Basics in MREIT URL
13. 비디오 Mathematical model 2: Inverse Problem (3) Basics in MREPT (3) URL
14. 비디오 Mathematical model 2: Inverse Problem MR-based Impedance Imaging : MREIT vs MREPT URL
15. 비디오 Mathematical model 2: Inverse Problem MR-based Impedance Imaging : MREPT URL
16. 비디오 Mathematical model 2: Inverse Problem Conductivity Reconstruction using D-bar method for EIT URL
17. 비디오 Mathematical model 1: Optimization Problem (1) Preliminary to Sobolev space URL
18. 비디오 Mathematical model 1: Optimization Problem (2) Sobolev space : definitions URL
19. 비디오 Mathematical model 1: Optimization Problem (3) Sobolev space : theory and examples URL
20. 비디오 Mathematical model 1: Optimization Problem (4) Sobolev space : Sobolevs inequality for gradient URL
21. 비디오 Mathematical model 1: Optimization Problem Sobolev space : three important theorems
Sobolev space : Sobolev Imbedding theorem
Sobolev space : Proof of Sobolev Imbedding theorem, Study H^s
Sobolev space : Study H^s
22. 비디오 Mathematical model 1: Optimization Problem (1) Review / Motivation of Sobolev space
Sobolev space : Example1
Sobolev space : Example2
23. 비디오 Mathematical model 1: Optimization Problem (2) Sobolev space : dual space and theorem
Sobolev space : Exercise1
Sobolev space : Exercise2
Sobolev space : Proof of exercise2
24. 비디오 Mathematical model 1: Optimization Problem (3) Sobolev space : Lemma URL
25. 비디오 Mathematical model 2: Inverse Problem (1) hybrid MREIT _ Applied mathematics in biomedical science : The goal of EIT&MREIT
Applied mathematics in biomedical science : Motivation, Introduction
26. 비디오 Mathematical model 2: Inverse Problem (2) Applied mathematics in biomedical science : EIT method(N-channel EIT system)
Applied mathematics in biomedical science : EIT method
27. 비디오 Mathematical model 2: Inverse Problem (3) Applied mathematics in biomedical science : Method of MREIT URL
28. 비디오 Special Lecture Basics of MRI URL
29. 비디오 Special Lecture MR Quantitative susceptibility mapping(QSM) for quantifying biomarkers, removing artifacts and revealing hypointensity soure in MRI URL
30. 비디오 Mathematical model 2: Inverse Problem (1) Uniqueness theory in EIT URL
31. 비디오 Mathematical model 2: Inverse Problem (2) Reconstruction method in EIT : Dbar method URL

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