
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >화공 >화학공학
  • 강의학기
    2010년 1학기
  • 조회수
에너지환경 융합기술의 최근 이슈들을 다룬다. 특히 본 프로그램 참여 교수들의 팀티칭을 통해 특별 이슈들에 대한 다양한 시각을 제시함으로 창의력을 키우는 데 주력할 예정이다.
Nanoporous Ultra-Low Dielectrics for the Next Generation Semiconductors
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 문서 Introduction Brief introduction for Special Topics to Chemical Convergence for Energy & Environment 1 소스URL
2. 문서 Morphology and interface engineering for high efficiency organic solar cells Research trend for dye sensitized solar cell faced on morphology and inferfacial engineering in order to improve the cell efficiency 소스URL
3. 비디오 Nanoporous Ultra-Low Dielectrics for the Next Generation Semiconductors Recent research works for nanoporous low dielectrics using crosslinked silicone materials URL
문서 Nanoporous Ultra-Low Dielectrics for the Next Generation Semiconductors Recent research works for nanoporous low dielectrics using crosslinked silicone materials 소스URL
4. 문서 Polymer Solar Cells with Efficient Active Layer via Concentration graded Solution Process, Stamping Transfer Technique and Controlled Nano-Structure Highly efficient polymer solar in the view point of active lyer: Concentration graded Solution Process, Stamping Transfer Technique and Controlled Nano-Structure 소스URL
5. 문서 Fouling Mitigations in Low Pressure-Driven Membrane Processes Current research works for low pressure-driven membrane process faced on fouling mitigations 소스URL
6. 문서 Membranes for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells Recent developments for membranes concerning polymer electrolyte fuel cells 소스URL
7. 문서 Cathode Materials Study using Synchrotron d In Situ X-ray Techniques Introduction for lithium secondary batteries 소스URL
8. 문서 An Overview of Green Technology Review on green growth faced on energy & environment: National Research Institute 소스URL
9. 문서 Solar hybrids for environmental remediation and fuel generation Introduction for reusable eco-friendly energy 소스URL
10. 문서 High Efficiency Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells d on Nanoelectrodes: From Glass to Flexible Substrate Review for Dye sensitized solar cell and hetero junction solar cells 소스URL
11. 문서 Synthesis of Nanoparticles in the continuous process, and their surface engineering for biological applications Researches for magnetic nanocrystals: synthesis characterization and applications 소스URL
12. 문서 NANOSTRUCTURED MEMBRANES FOR WATER RECOVERY AND DESALINATION Current research works for solar cell faced on semiconductor nanocrystals 소스URL

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