
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW



  • 경북대학교
  • 칼리아나 차크라바르띠 벨루볼루(Kalyana Chakravarthy Veluvolu).
  • 주제분류
    공학 >전기ㆍ전자 >전자공학
  • 강의학기
    2019년 1학기
  • 조회수
Digital Control System entails replacing continuous control system with discrete control system.

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 1강 Introduction To Digital Control System Introduction To Digital Control System URL
문서 1강 Introduction To Digital Control System Introduction To Digital Control System URL
2. 비디오 2강 Basic Concept of Digital control system Basic Concepts of Digital control system and Linear time-Invariant systems. URL
문서 2강 Basic Concept of Digital control system Basic Concepts of Digital control system and Linear time-Invariant systems. URL
3. 비디오 3강 Numerical Approximation Techniques Numerical Approximation Techniques. Sampling and Reconstruction of Signals. Z-Transform URL
문서 3강 Numerical Approximation Techniques Numerical Approximation Techniques. Sampling and Reconstruction of Signals. Z-Transform URL
4. 비디오 4강 Z-Transform Z-Transform Properties of Z-Transform Inverse Z-Transform URL
문서 4강 Z-Transform Z-Transform Properties of Z-Transform Inverse Z-Transform URL
5. 비디오 5강 Mapping Between s and Z planes Mapping between S and Z planes. First Backward difference Method Bilinear (Tustin) Transformation. URL
문서 5강 Mapping Between s and Z planes Mapping between S and Z planes. First Backward difference Method Bilinear (Tustin) Transformation. URL
6. 비디오 6강 Analysis Techniques Transfer Functions of Sampled-Data Systems. Zero-Order Hold Function. Stability Test. URL
문서 6강 Analysis Techniques Transfer Functions of Sampled-Data Systems. Zero-Order Hold Function. Stability Test. URL
7. 비디오 7강 Analysis techniques and Feedback Control Design Steady state error, Root-Locus Techniques, s-,z-, and w-planes time responses, Frequency response, Feedback Control design in s- and z-planes URL
문서 7강 Analysis techniques and Feedback Control Design Steady state error, Root-Locus Techniques, s-,z-, and w-planes time responses, Frequency response, Feedback Control design in s- and z-planes URL
8. 비디오 8강 Design Techniques Digital Feedback Design: s-plane Method, z-plane Method and w-plane Method. Lead-Lag Compensation URL
문서 8강 Design Techniques Digital Feedback Design: s-plane Method, z-plane Method and w-plane Method. Lead-Lag Compensation URL
9. 비디오 9강 Introduction to state space design methods Definition and objectives, Typical specifications, Design approaches, advantages, motivations, Scalar and matrix differential equation. URL
문서 9강 Introduction to state space design methods Definition and objectives, Typical specifications, Design approaches, advantages, motivations, Scalar and matrix differential equation. URL
10. 비디오 10강 State Space Design Methods Application of State Space Design Methods, State Space Modelling, Transfer Function from State Space Model, Solution of the State Vector, Discrete-Time Poles and Zeros and The State Transition Equation. URL
문서 10강 State Space Design Methods Application of State Space Design Methods, State Space Modelling, Transfer Function from State Space Model, Solution of the State Vector, Discrete-Time Poles and Zeros and The State Transition Equation. URL
11. 비디오 11강 State Space Design Methods2 Similarity Transformation' Controllable canonical Form(CCF), Observable Canonical Form(OCF), Controller Design, Controllability, Testing for System's Controllability. URL
문서 11강 State Space Design Methods2 Similarity Transformation' Controllable canonical Form(CCF), Observable Canonical Form(OCF), Controller Design, Controllability, Testing for System's Controllability. URL
12. 비디오 12강 State Space Design method 2(Observability) Definition of observability and its relevance in designing controller, Observability Matrix, Relationship between controllability, observability and transfer functions, Pole placement by state feedback, Ackermann's formula, Deadbeat control. URL
문서 12강 State Space Design method 2(Observability) Definition of observability and its relevance in designing controller, Observability Matrix, Relationship between controllability, observability and transfer functions, Pole placement by state feedback, Ackermann's formula, Deadbeat control. URL
13. 비디오 13강 State Space Design 3 (Observer design) Observer design; Motivations and problem formulations, Prediction Observers and Current Observers, Reduced Order observers: Motivation and concept formulation, Current Observer: Accuracy and applications. URL
문서 13강 State Space Design 3 (Observer design) Observer design; Motivations and problem formulations, Prediction Observers and Current Observers, Reduced Order observers: Motivation and concept formulation, Current Observer: Accuracy and applications. URL
14. 비디오 14강 State Space Design(4) Combined Control Law and Observer Current Observer Separation Principle Combined Control Law and Observer Guidelines for choosing Controller and Observer Characteristic Equations Integral control. Introduction to Optimal control. URL
문서 14강 State Space Design(4) Combined Control Law and Observer Current Observer Separation Principle Combined Control Law and Observer Guidelines for choosing Controller and Observer Characteristic Equations Integral control. Introduction to Optimal control. URL
15. 비디오 15강 Optimal Control Design Approaches Dynamic programming Examples on performance indices Bellman's principle of optimality Principle of optimality to discrete time linear systems Discrete-time linear quadratic regulator via dynamic programming Solution to Discrete Riccati Difference Equation. URL
문서 15강 Optimal Control Design Approaches Dynamic programming Examples on performance indices Bellman's principle of optimality Principle of optimality to discrete time linear systems Discrete-time linear quadratic regulator via dynamic programming Solution to Discrete Riccati Difference Equation. URL

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