
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    자연과학 >생물ㆍ화학ㆍ환경 >생물학
  • 강의학기
    2017년 2학기
  • 조회수
  • 평점
    4.3/5.0 (3)
This is an introductory biostatistics course to provide foundation and application of statistics in the field of public health. The course covers both exploratory and numerical methods of describing and performing basic confirmatory analysis of data sets. The topics consist of measurement, types of studies, and concepts of probability and statistical inference (estimation and hypothesis testing). R programming language will be taught.
Course info & 1. Measurement
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Course info & 1. Measurement 1.1 What is Biostatistics? 1.2 Origanization of Data 1.3 Type of Measurements 1.4 Data Quality URL
2. 비디오 1. Measurement 1.1 What is Biostatistics? 1.2 Origanization of Data 1.3 Type of Measurements 1.4 Data Quality URL
3. 비디오 2. Types of Studies Surveys and comparative studies URL
4. 비디오 3. Frequency Distributions Stemplots / distributional shape, location, and spread / frequency tables URL
5. 비디오 3. Frequency Distributions Stemplots / distributional shape, location, and spread / frequency tables URL
6. 비디오 4. Summary Statistics Measures of central tendency and variability URL
7. 비디오 5. Probability Concepts Discrete and continuous random variables / probability mass function (pmfs) / probability density function (pdfs) URL
8. 비디오 5. Probability Concepts Discrete and continuous random variables / probability mass function (pmfs) / probability density function (pdfs) URL
9. 비디오 6. Binomial Distributions Calculate and interpret binomial probabilities URL
10. 비디오 7. Normal Distributions Determine approximate probabilities for Normal random variables URL
11. 비디오 8. Introduction to Statistical Inference Sampling distribution of a sample mean from a Normal population URL
12. 비디오 8. Introduction to Statistical Inference Sampling distribution of a sample mean from a Normal population URL
13. 비디오 2. Data type 11/01 Rstudio, Basic Data Type, Vector Operations, Factor URL
14. 비디오 9. Basics of Hypothesis Testing P-value, Significance Level and Conclusion, One-Sample z-Test URL
15. 비디오 9. Basics of Hypothesis Testing Multi-vector, Subset Data URL
비디오 9. Basics of Hypothesis Testing Type of Decision Errors, Power of z test URL
비디오 10. Basics of Confidence Intervals List, Loops, Function, Package URL
비디오 10. Basics of Confidence Intervals Confidence intervals around means URL
비디오 10. Basics of Confidence Intervals Writing Data, Reading Data, Looping on the Command line, tapply URL
비디오 11. Inference about a Mean One-sample, two-sample, and paired t hypothesis tests on means URL
비디오 11. Inference about a Mean Functions for Probabability Distributions, QQ-plot, Inferential Statistics, Paired sample t-test URL
비디오 12. Comparing Independent Means One-sample, two-sample, and paired t hypothesis tests on means URL
비디오 13. ANOVA6 z-tests and chi square tests of independence and homogeneity URL

연관 자료


사용자 의견

강의 평가를 위해서는 로그인 해주세요.
운영자2022-07-29 17:40
KOCW입니다. 건국대학교에서는 저작권으로 인해 강의자료/PPT/를 KOCW에 제공하지 않습니다. 양해 부탁드립니다.
ma********* 2022-07-29 16:43
혹시 ppt자료 받아볼수 있을까요?
운영자2021-01-29 09:30
KOCW입니다. 강의오류를 확인하여 수정했습니다.
ks******* 2021-01-28 20:49
며칠전까지 잘보던 강의였는데 갑자기 안나옵니다. 왜 그런건가요?
운영자2019-07-24 09:13
강의계획서에 안내된 주교재 Basic iostatistics / Statistics fPublic Health, B. Burt Gerstman, Jones &Bartlett Learning을 참고하여 주시기 바랍니다.
운영자2019-07-24 09:12
KOCW입니다. 건국대학교에서는 저작권으로 인해 강의자료/PPT/를 KOCW에 제공하지 않습니다. 양해 부탁드립니다.
sj***** 2019-07-23 23:39
PPT교재를 어디에서 구할 수 있을까요?


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