
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >화공 >화학공학
  • 강의학기
    2017년 1학기
  • 조회수
  • 평점
    5/5.0 (3)
This course deals with phase equilibrium and solution thermodynamics based on basic principle of thermodynamics. It is expected that students will be able to appropriate relations and use them to evaluate the change of thermodynamic properties when system reaches equilibrium. Furthermore, student will be albe to examine non ideality of fluid mixture.
Ch. 10. Vapor/Liquid Equilibrium: Introduction
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Ch. 10. Vapor/Liquid Equilibrium: Introduction 10.1 The nature of equilibrium 10.2 The phase rule: Duhem's theorem 10.3 VLE Qualitative behavior URL
비디오 Ch. 10. Vapor/Liquid Equilibrium: Introduction diagraming, graphing URL
2. 비디오 Ch. 10. Vapor/Liquid Equilibrium: Introduction 10.4 Simple models for vap. / Liq. Eq. URL
비디오 Ch. 10. Vapor/Liquid Equilibrium: Introduction 10.6 VLE from k-value correlations URL
3. 비디오 Ch. 11. Solution thermodynamics: Theory 11.1 Fandomental property relation 11.2 The chemical potential and phase equilibria URL
비디오 Ch. 11. Solution thermodynamics: Theory 11.3 Partial properties URL
4. 비디오 Ch. 11. Solution thermodynamics: Theory 11.3 Partial properties - Partial properties in binary solutions, Relation among partial properties URL
5. 비디오 Ch. 11. Solution thermodynamics: Theory 11.4 Ideal gas mixtures model URL
6. 비디오 Ch. 11. Solution thermodynamics: Theory 11.5 Fugacity and fugacity coefficient, Pure species URL
7. 비디오 Ch. 11. Solution thermodynamics: Theory 11.5 Fugacity and fugacity coefficient, Pure species - Fugacity of a pure liquid URL
8. 비디오 Ch. 11. Solution thermodynamics: Theory 11.6 Fugacity and fugacity coeff. species in solution URL
9. 비디오 Ch. 11. Solution thermodynamics: Theory 11.6 Fugacity and fugacity coeff. species in solution - Fugacity coeff. From the virial equation of state URL
10. 비디오 Ch. 11. Solution thermodynamics: Theory 11.8 Ideal solution URL
비디오 Ch. 11. Solution thermodynamics: Theory The excess Gibbs energy and the octiaity co-eff. , Excess-property Relation URL
11. 비디오 Ch. 12. Solution Thermodynamics: Applications 12.1 Liquid phase properties from VLE data URL
비디오 Ch. 12. Solution Thermodynamics: Applications excess Gibbs energy URL
12. 비디오 Ch. 12. Solution Thermodynamics: Applications Data reduction URL
비디오 Ch. 12. Solution Thermodynamics: Applications Margule's eqn. ,correlation, Thermodynamic consistancy, Barker's method URL
13. 비디오 Ch. 12. Solution Thermodynamics: Applications 12.2 Models for the excess Gibbs energy URL
비디오 Ch. 12. Solution Thermodynamics: Applications 12.3 Property changes of mixing 12.4 Heat effects of mixing process URL
14. 비디오 Ch. 12. Solution Thermodynamics: Applications Entralpy / Concentration Diagrams(H-x diagram) URL

연관 자료


사용자 의견

강의 평가를 위해서는 로그인 해주세요.
tv****** 2018-04-22 02:46
언제나 잘듣고 있습니다! 감사합니다 ㅎㅎ


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