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    자연과학 >수학ㆍ물리ㆍ천문ㆍ지리 >물리학
  • 강의학기
    2016년 1학기
  • 조회수
  • 평점
    5/5.0 (1)
This class will introduce some of the main developments in physics over the last hundred years. We will focus mainly on the theory of special relativity, and briefly introduce the fundamental ideas of quantum mechanics, particle physics and general relativity. These theories revolutionized the understanding of physics from the start of the twentieth century, and form the basis for most current physics research.
Course Introduction
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차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Course Introduction Course Introduction URL
2. 비디오 SPECIAL RELATIVITY Measuring the speed of light Learn special relativity and measuring the speed of light URL
비디오 SPECIAL RELATIVITY Concept of the aether, Galilean transformations Michelson-Morley Experiment, Stellar Aberration Learn special relativity and concept of the aether, galilean transformations michelson-morley experiment, stellar aberration URL
3. 비디오 SPECIAL RELATIVITY The postulates of Special Relativity The Principle of Relativity Incompatibility of Newton's Laws with the postulates of Special Relativity [Special Relativity] 1. The postulates of Special Relativity 2. The Principle of Relativity 3. Incompatibility of Newton's Laws with the postulates of Special Relativity URL
비디오 SPECIAL RELATIVITY Length contraction, Time dilation, and Relative simultaneity, The Lorentz Transformation [Special Relativity] 1. Length contraction 2. Time dilation 3. Relative simultaneity 4. The Lorentz Transformation URL
4. 비디오 SPECIAL RELATIVITY The Lorentz transformation and electromagnetism Time dilation of muon decay rates [Special Relativity] 1. The Lorentz transformation 2. Electromagnetism Time dilation of muon decay rates URL
비디오 SPECIAL RELATIVITY Space-time diagrams, Train-tunnel paradox, Twin paradox [Special Relativity] 1. Space-time diagrams 2. Train-tunnel paradox 3. Twin paradox URL
5. 비디오 SPECIAL RELATIVITY Twin paradox calculation, The relativistic Doppler effect [Special Relativity] 1. Twin paradox calculation 2. The relativistic Doppler effect URL
비디오 SPECIAL RELATIVITY The relativistic Doppler effect (cont.) The Ives-Stilwell experiment, Relativistic transformation of velocities [Special Relativity] 1. The relativistic Doppler effect (cont.) 2. The Ives-Stilwell experiment 3. Relativistic transformation of velocities URL
6. 비디오 SPECIAL RELATIVITY Problems with Newtonian momentum Looking for a modified definition of momentum [Special Relativity] 1. Problems with Newtonian momentum 2. Looking for a modified definition of momentum URL
비디오 SPECIAL RELATIVITY Hubble's Law Definition of relativistic momentum, 4-vectors Time-component of momentum, E=mc^2 [Special Relativity] 1. Hubble's Law Definition of relativistic momentum 2. 4-vectors Time-component of momentum, E=mc^2 URL
7. 비디오 SPECIAL RELATIVITY Relativistic momentum (cont.) Zero-mass particles [Special Relativity] 1. Relativistic momentum (cont.) 2. Zero-mass particles URL
비디오 SPECIAL RELATIVITY Worksheet questions review [Special Relativity] Worksheet, Questions and Review URL
8. 비디오 GENERAL RELATIVITY Incompatibility of Newtonian Gravity with Special Relativity, Comparison between the theory of Gravity and of Electromagnetism, The Equivalence Principle, Gravitational time dilation [General Relativity] 1. Incompatibility of Newtonian Gravity with Special Relativity 2. Comparison between the theory of Gravity and of Electromagnetism 3. The Equivalence Principle 4. Gravitational time dilation URL
비디오 GENERAL RELATIVITY Measurements of space and time in a gravitational field Curvature of space by gravity, quantifying curvature Difference between Bosons and Fermions Spin [General Relativity] 1. Measurements of space and time in a gravitational field Curvature of space by gravity 2. quantifying curvature Difference between Bosons and Fermions Spin URL
9. 비디오 GENERAL RELATIVITY Curvature of space-time, the Einstein Field Equation Motion in curved space-time: geodesics [General Relativity] 1. Curvature of space-time 2. The Einstein Field Equation Motion in curved space-time: geodesics URL
비디오 GENERAL RELATIVITY The Metric Tensor The Schwarzschild Metric, Black holes Gravitational waves, sources and detection Cosmology - the large scale structure of the universe [General Relativity] 1. The Metric Tensor 2. The Schwarzschild Metric 3. Black holes Gravitational waves 4. Sources and detection Cosmology - the large scale structure of the universe URL
10. 비디오 QUANTUM MECHANICS Quantization of light: Black-body radiation and the photo-electric effect, Quantization of electron states in atoms: Emission and absorption spectra Wave-particle duality, de-Broglie [Quantum Mechanics] 1. Quantization of light: Black-body radiation and the photo-electric effect 2. Quantization of electron states in atoms: Emission and absorption spectra Wave-particle duality, de-Broglie URL
11. 비디오 QUANTUM MECHANICS Diffraction of electrons, The two-slit (thought-)experiment, The probability amplitude and the Schroedinger wave equation [Quantum Mechanics] 1. Diffraction of electrons 2. The two-slit (thought-)experimentEmission 3. The probability amplitude and the Schroedinger wave equation URL
비디오 QUANTUM MECHANICS The Heisenberg Uncertainty, Principle Measurement in Quantum Mechanics, (in)compatible observables Quantization of Angular Momentum [Quantum Mechanics] 1. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle 2. Principle Measurement in Quantum Mechanics URL
12. 비디오 QUANTUM MECHANICS The Stern-Gerlach Experiment Particle Spin [Quantum Mechanics] The Stern-Gerlach Experiment Particle Spin URL
비디오 QUANTUM MECHANICS Particle Indistinguishability: Bosons and Fermions, The Pauli Exclusion Principle [Quantum Mechanics] 1. Particle Indistinguishability: Bosons and Fermions 2. The Pauli Exclusion Principle URL
13. 비디오 PARTICLE PHYSICS Particle Properties and Interactions, Strong and Weak Nuclear Forces, Matter and Anti-Matter Baryons, Mesons and the Quark model, The Standard Model of Particle Physics, The Higgs Boson [Particle Physics] 1. Particle Properties and Interactions 2. Strong and Weak Nuclear Forces 3. Matter and Anti-Matter Baryons 4. Mesons and the Quark model 5. The Standard Model of Particle Physics 6. The Higgs Boson URL
비디오 PARTICLE PHYSICS Particle interactions: worksheet solutions [Particle Physics] Particle interactions: worksheet solutions URL

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