
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


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    교육학 >교육일반 >기타
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At Kings' Forest Primary School in Bristol Year 6 teacher Helen Porter uses the creative curriculum to teach literacy, science and ICT. Science: The school is proud of its eco-friendly credentials and Helen uses the school grounds. The children are tasked with collecting plant and animal samples using petri dishes. They record features of the habitat by using digital cameras, thermometers and observational drawing. ICT: The pupils then collate their findings into an information pack which they then bring into the ICT suite. Here they learn to input their data and pictures onto a database and are shown how to best display this information by using graphs, bar and pie charts. Literacy: Helen uses the first verse of W. H. Auden's 'Night Mail' as part of a larger project on biography. The children recite the verse through group chanting and then they discuss how the poem gives a better understanding of the author.

Video Series: Great Lesson Ideas
Release Date 2009

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