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Headteacher Graham Soles discusses the five curriculum routes that Brighouse High School has developed to help Year 9 pupils select courses that best fit their abilities. All pupils take core subjects such as Maths, English and PE but most of their time is spent on the specialism offered by their chosen route. The programme looks at Chris who has found his niche in IT, Loren who has a talent in manufacturing and Abigail who found her course choice difficult. Lois has taken a more traditional academic route but also enjoys her vocational option, Applied Art. For teachers, finding the courses and assessment that will suit pupils is rewarding since it helps pupils gain confidence and achieve more. This is particularly true for Jason, flourishing on route 5 which is designed for pupils who might not cope with a traditional curriculum. Liz Cresswell, Deputy headteacher explains just how flexible the school is trying to be.

Video Series: Secondary Management
Release Date 2005

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