
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    자연과학 >생물ㆍ화학ㆍ환경 >환경공학
  • 강의학기
    2016년 1학기
  • 조회수
The course covers theory and application of physical unit operations and chemical unit processes for municipal and industrial wastewater treatment. Also includes fundamentals of biological treatment and basic microbial growth kinetics. Provides practical capability to perform process design and operation, emphasizing a sense of engineering through developing engineers ability to think and offering various kinds of related practices. Practical exercises can improve comprehensive problem-solving capability and executive ability indispensable to engineers as well as provide professional knowledge. Recommended prerequisites: Biology, Environmental System Engineering, Environmental Fluid Mechanics & Laboratory, Water Chemistry & Laboratory, Environmental Microbiology & Laboratory, and Planning, design, & management of water and wastewater system.
Chapter 3. Introduction to Process Analysis and Selection
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Chapter 3. Introduction to Process Analysis and Selection Analysis of Non-ideal Flow, Reaction rate, and coefficients URL
2. 비디오 Chapter 3. Introduction to Process Analysis and Selection Reactor, Mass Balance Analysis, Reactor Analysis URL
3. 비디오 Chapter 3. Introduction to Process Analysis and Selection Hydraculic Characteristics of Reactors, Mass Balance Analysis URL
4. 비디오 Chapter 2. Characteristics of Wastewater Chapter 3. Introduction to Process Analysis and Selection Chemical Characteristics(COD), Reactor types URL
5. 비디오 Chapter 2. Characteristics of Wastewater Typieal Range of BOD and TSS, Chemical Characteristics, Microbiological Characteristics, Radiological Characteristics URL
6. 비디오 Chapter 2. Characteristics of Wastewater Chemical Characteristics, Biochemical Oxygen Demand(BOD) URL
7. 비디오 Chapter 2. Characteristics of Wastewater Wastewater characteristics type, Physical Characteristics, Chemical characteristics URL
8. 비디오 Chapter 1. Overview Reegulaions, Waterquality standard for effluence, Treatment, Wastewater treatment plant URL
9. 비디오 Chapter 1. Overview Environmental Engineering, Sewage, Physical state of a pollutant, Terminology URL
10. 비디오 Chapter 1. Overview After Treatment, Selection of Processes, Physical characteristics URL
11. 비디오 Chapter 1. Overview In Korea_Treatment system, Status of wastewater treatment plant, After biological treatment, MBRs, Urbanized-Concentrated waste URL
12. 비디오 Chapter 1. Overview At treatment Plant(Aeration Tank), Wastewater treatment URL
13. 비디오 Chapter 3. Introduction to Process Analysis and Selection Process selection URL
14. 비디오 Chapter 4. Water Reclamation and Reuse Water in cirsis, Water scarcity in korea, water reuse, Necessities of water Rouse, Types of reuse, Barriers to implementation URL
15. 비디오 Chapter 5. Physical Unit Operations (part 1), (Screening, Flow equalization, mixing) Unit Operations & Processes, Screening URL
비디오 Chapter 5. Physical Unit Operations (part 1), (Screening, Flow equalization, mixing) Comminutors, Grit Chamber, Flow Equalization URL
비디오 Chapter 6-1. Physical Unit Operations(part 2), (Sedimentation) Gravity separation theory, Type 1 sedimentation (discrete particle) URL
비디오 Chapter 6-1. Physical Unit Operations(part 2), (Sedimentation) Type 1 sedimentation (discrete particle) URL
비디오 Chapter 6-1. Physical Unit Operations(part 2), (SedimentationI) Type 1 sedimentation (discrete particle), Type 2 sedimentation (flocculent) URL
비디오 Chapter 6-1. Physical Unit Operations(part 2), (SedimentationI) Type 3 sedimentation (zone or hindered), Type 4 sedimentation (compression) URL
비디오 Chapter 6-2. Physical Unit Operations(part 2), (Sedimentation & Flotation) Setting Basins, Design considerations URL
비디오 Chapter 6-2. Physical Unit Operations(part 2), (Sedimentation & Flotation) Design considerations, Sedimentation Facilities URL
비디오 Chapter 7. Chemical Unit Processes Flotation, Technologies, Chemical Technologies, Flocculation URL
비디오 Chapter 7. Chemical Unit Processes Chemical precipitation, Chemical Oxidation(EQCR Lab) URL

연관 자료


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