
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >경영ㆍ경제 >경제학
  • 강의학기
    2015년 2학기
  • 조회수

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Capital Budgeting and Cash Flow Analysis 1 Key Terms and Concepts in Capital Budgeting URL
2. 비디오 Capital Budgeting and Cash Flow Analysis 2 Estimating Cash Flows URL
3. 비디오 Capital Budgeting Decisions and Real Options 1 Criteria for evaluating and selecting a project URL
4. 비디오 Capital Budgeting Decisions and Real Options 2 Using a financial calculator to calculate IRR. Payback method URL
5. 비디오 Capital Budgeting and Risk 1 Adjusting for total project risk URL
6. 비디오 Capital Budgeting and Risk 2 Adjusting for beta risk URL
7. 비디오 Cost of Capital 1 Weighted average cost of capital, and the component costs URL
8. 비디오 Cost of Capital 2 Component costs of capital URL
9. 비디오 Cost of Capital 3 Determining the marginal cost of capital schedule URL
10. 비디오 Capital Structure Concepts 1 Capital structure decisions and the shareholder wealth maximization URL
11. 비디오 Capital Structure Concepts 2 Modigliani-Miller hypotheses with corporate income tax URL
12. 비디오 Capital Structure Concepts 3 Additional topics in capital structure concepts URL
13. 비디오 Capital Structure Management in Practice 1 Use of fixed cost assets and debt for higher operating and financial leverages URL
14. 비디오 Capital Structure Management in Practice 2 EBIT-EPS Analysis and Capital Structure Decisions URL
15. 비디오 Capital Structure Management in Practice 3 Cash insolvency anlaysis, other considerations in capital structure decisions URL
비디오 Financing with Derivatives 1 Introduction to concepts of derivatives and the risk involved with derivative trading URL
비디오 Financing with Derivatives 2 Options: origin, types, and the nature, covering the trading risks with options URL
비디오 Financing with Derivatives 3 Financing with convertible securites ans warrants URL
비디오 Financing with Derivatives 4 Other types of derivatives: rights and swaps URL
비디오 Managing the risk with 1 Hedging vs. non-hedging approaches, Hedging strategies URL
비디오 Managing the risk with 2 Hedging the price risk with options URL

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