
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >경영ㆍ경제 >광고홍보학
  • 강의학기
    2014년 2학기
  • 조회수
This class is intended to bring a clearer theoretical structure to the class and underpinning for our discussion of the persuasive, economic, social, and regulatory aspects of new media-driven marketing communiactions

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Introduction Introduction URL
2. 비디오 New Media Advertising in Bussiness and Society Explanation of new media advertising and integrated marketing communication URL
비디오 New Media Advertising in Bussiness and Society Explanation of new media advertising and integrated marketing communication URL
3. 비디오 Social, Ethical, and Regulatory aspects of NMA Ananlysis of the benefits and problems of advertising and promotion in a capitalistic society and debate a variety of issues concerning their effects on society's wellbeing. URL
비디오 Social, Ethical, and Regulatory aspects of NMA Ananlysis of the benefits and problems of advertising and promotion in a capitalistic society and debate a variety of issues concerning their effects on society's wellbeing. URL
4. 비디오 The ethcial aspects of advertising Explanation of Advertising Ethics URL
비디오 The ethcial aspects of advertising Explanation of Advertising Ethics URL
5. 비디오 Understanding online consumer bahavior Understanding the two approacehs to understand consumers URL
비디오 Understanding online consumer bahavior Understanding the two approacehs to understand consumers URL
6. 비디오 Online Consumer Culture (1) Explanation of the relationship between culture and advertising URL
비디오 Online Consumer Culture (1) Explanation of the relationship between culture and advertising URL
7. 비디오 Online Consumer Culture (2) Explanation of global consumer culture, advertising persuasiveness and consumer cultural values URL
비디오 Online Consumer Culture (2) Explanation of global consumer culture, advertising persuasiveness and consumer cultural values URL
8. 비디오 Marketing and Advertising Planning Overview of marketing and advertising planning strategy URL
비디오 Marketing and Advertising Planning Overview of marketing and advertising planning strategy URL
9. 비디오 New Media Advertising Planning (1) Explanation of budgeting and media planning URL
비디오 New Media Advertising Planning (1) Explanation of budgeting and media planning URL
10. 비디오 New Media Advertising Planning (2) Overview of general procedures in planning media and media strategy URL
비디오 New Media Advertising Planning (2) Overview of general procedures in planning media and media strategy URL
11. 비디오 New Media Advertising Planning (3) Overview of general procedures in planning media and media strategy URL
비디오 New Media Advertising Planning (3) Overview of general procedures in planning media and media strategy URL
12. 비디오 Marketing Communication Media Overview of challenges in the contemporary media environment URL
비디오 Final Project Presentation Students' presentation on new media advertising for Pocky URL

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