
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >법률 >국제법학
  • 강의학기
    2013년 1학기
  • 조회수
  • 평점
    3/5.0 (2)
국제통상법 분야 중에서 특히 국제사회와 국내사회에서 많은 논의가 있는 FTA와 ODA에 관한 사항들을 여름학기 특별 개설하여 집중적으로 분석

차시별 강의

1. 문서 Introduction to the class/International Economic and Trade Law (Laws on FTA and ODA issues) General Introduction to the class and the two topic URL
2. 문서 Regional Trade Agreement Basic concepts on Regionalism and RTA URL
3. 문서 RTA provisions in the WTO system General explanations of the provions on RTA issues in the WTO system URL
4. 문서 Legal points of FTA and Korean FTAs FTA and Korean FTA policy with its legal issues URL
5. 문서 Korean FTAs and National Laws Domestic rules on Korean FTAs URL
6. 문서 Korean Peninsula and FTAs Legal issues on Korean FTA: examples URL
7. 문서 The basic concepts on international development and ODA General explanations of the International Development URL
8. 문서 The ODA and International Development Law ODA and International Laws URL
9. 문서 The laws on the ODA works of the OECD ODA works in the OECD stage URL
10. 문서 ODA and Trade issues and International Law Brief explanations on the Aid for Trade URL
11. 문서 ODA and MDBs International laws on the MDBs URL
12. 문서 Korean ODA and Law ODA issues in the Korean society and Laws URL
13. 문서 Domestic Laws for the Korean ODA 1 National rules on the Korean ODA: Part 1 URL
14. 문서 Domestic Laws for the Korean ODA 2 National rules on the Korean ODA: Part 1 URL

연관 자료


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