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글로벌 인재포럼 2007: 세계화 기업구조변형에 의한 HR 변화

  • 글로벌 인재포럼
  • Dick Kleinert, Kent Lockhart(The Walt Disney Company), Young-Soon Kim
  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >경영ㆍ경제 >경영학
  • 등록일자
  • 조회수
New business and work force challenges are making HR and people issues more visible and important than ever. People-related challenges not technology, processes or strategy are often the most significant barriers to effective organizational transformation. This session will discuss global trends in structural transformation, related people and organizational challenges and some practical, proactive solutions to enhance organizational performance. Specific topics will include: Current global marketplace pressures (e.g., globalization, talent trends, increasing consumer power, and changing regulatory pressures), Related organizational transformation strategies (e.g., outsourcing, M&A, shared services), Associated human capital challenges and Pragmatic approaches to solving challenges.

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