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    공학 >컴퓨터ㆍ통신 >정보통신공학
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The ive is to introduce the topic of nanotechnology:why nanomaterials are different from bulk materials, various materialssuch as carbon nanotubes, nanowires, nanoparticles and theirapplications in electronics, optoelectronics, sensors, composites,instrumentation, biomedical and other areas.
Tools / Processes: Top-down and Bottom-up
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차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Tools / Processes: Top-down and Bottom-up 1. Overviet of Microscopy
2. Optical Microscopes
3. Schematic of a Simple Optical Microscope
4. Rayleigh Criterion for Resolution
5. The Electron Microscopes
6. TEM
7. Components of the TEM
8. Schematic of E Gun & EM lens
9. TEM Images
10. Schematic of E Gun & EM lens
11. TEM Images
12. Schematic of SEM
13. SEM
14. Electron Scattering from Specimen
15. Some SEM Images
16. Scanning Probe Microscopy
17. Scanning Tunneling Microscope
18. STM Operational Modes and Requirements
19. STM Electronics
20. STM Images
21. More Pictures
22. Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy
23. Scanning Tunneling Potentiometry
24. Atomic Force Microscope
25. AFM Modes of Operation
26. AFM Images
27. Acronyms Galore !

1. Outline
2. Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up Techniques
3. Deposition Techniques
4. Physical Deposition Approaches
5. Molecular Beam Epitaxy
6. MBE Apparatus
7. MBE Growth Conditions
8. MBE Growth Characteristics
9. Chemical Vapor Deposition
10. Various CVD Reactors
11. Atomic Layer Deposition
2. 비디오 Processes: Top-down and Bottom-up 1. Atomic Layer Deposition
2. ALD Process and Equipment
3. Sequential Process Steps
4. Comparison of ALD and CVD
5. ALD Applications Summary
6. Plasma processes and basics
7. What is a Plasma?
8. Glow Discharges
9. Surface Chemistry
10. Some Key Characteristics
11. Plasma Processing Applications
12. Etching
13. Pattern Trasfer
14. Schematic of a Typical Plasma Reactor Setup
15. Various Plasma Reactors
16. Rf Capacitively Coupled Discharge
17. Inductively Coupled Plasma[ICP] Reactor
18. Microwave Discharge
3. 비디오 Processes: Top-down and Bottom-up / CNT Applications 1. Sol-gel Process Sequence
2. Sol-gel Technology
3. Soft Lithography: Advantages, Issues
4. Sol-gel Technology [cont.]
5. 3D Printing
6. Soft Lithography
7. Dip Pin Nanolithography
8. Soft Assembly

1. Applications to be Discussed
2. CNT in Microscopy
4. 비디오 CNT Applications 1. CNT in Microscopy
2. Fabrication of CNT Probes
3. AFM Imaging with Single Wall Nanotube Tips
4. High Resolution Imaging of Biological Materials
5. Imaging in Aquenous Environments
6. MWNT Scanning Probe:
7. CNT Interconnects
8. Motivation for Using Carbon Nanofibers [CNFs]
9. Cu Damascene Interconnects
10. CNT Interconnects?
11. Process Flow for PECVD-Grown CNFs
12. Mechanisms of End-Contact Resistance
13. I-V Charactericstics of a Pd-Catalyzed CNF
14. Copper vs CNF via
15. Temperature Dependant Conductance of CNF Array Via
16. Reliability Measurement of CNF via
17. Chip Cooling
18. Thermal Resistance Measurement Apparatus
19. Thermal Resistance Measurement
20. Comparison to Real Thermal Budget
21. Mechanical Stability of CNT/ Cu Film
22. Nanotubes: EMI Shielding
23. Automated Highways
24. CNT Composites
25. CNT-Based Composites
26. General Issues in Making CNT Composites
27. Conducting Polymers based on Carbon Nanotubes
28. Smart Materials, Special Coatings
5. 비디오 CNT Applications / Nanoelectronics: Nanoelectronic Devices 1. Advantage of Nanomaterials in Purification, Waste Remediation
2. Hydrogen Storage in CNTs
3. Chemisorption based Hydrogen Storage in CNTs
4. Lithium Storage in CNTs

1. Silicon Nanoelectronics- Device Physics
2. Nonclassical CMOS
3. Emerging Logic Devices
4. Emerging Research Architectures
5. Too Hot To Handle
6. Switching Energy of Electron Devices and Brain Cells
7. Nanoelectronics: What is Expected from Alternative Technologies?
8. Nanoelectronics
9. Nanotube Electronics Devices:FETs
10. Carbon Nanotube Transistor Fabrication
11. From P-to n-Type Nanotube MOSFET Transistor
12. CNT-based Logic and Memory Devices
13. Comparison of CNT vs. Silicon Transistors
14. Wafer-Scale Aligned Nanotube Device Fabrication
15. CNT Multiple Transfer [crossbar structures]
16. Submicron Transistors
17. Multi-terminal Nanotube Junctions
6. 비디오 Nanoelectronics: Nanoelectronic Devices 1. Submicron Transistors
2. Multi-terminal Nanotube Junctions
3. Multi-wall Y-junction Carbon Nanotubes
4. Transportin Y-junction Carbon Nanotubes
5. CVD Production of Y-Junctions
6. Four-level CNT Dentritic Neural Tree
7. Nanotube Electromechanical Devices
8. Nanotube Device: Proof of Concept
9. Towards Memory and Computation
10. Inorganic Nanowire Devices
11. Nanowire as Nano-Chip Component
12. Vertical Top-Gate Field Effect Transistor
13. Vertical Surround-Gate Field Effect Transistor
14. Nanowire FET-On-Insulator
15.Ge-NOI Field-Effect Transistor: Electrical Characteristics
16. Nanowire FET: Logic Functionality
17. Nanowire Transistors with Nanogates
18. Logic Gate "NOR"
19. Hierarchical Assembly of One Dimensional Nanostructures
20. Directed Assembly of Parallel Arrays
21. Silicon NW FET
22. Requirements for an Ideal Memory
23. Phase Change Materials
24. Phase-Change Random Access Memory
25. Why 1-D Phase-Change Nanowire?
26. VLS-grown Phase Change Nanowires
27. In2SE3 Nanowires: TEM and EDS Spectra
28. GeTe Nanowires: Melting Experiment and In-Situ Monitoring by TEM
29. PCM Nanowires: Melting Point
7. 비디오 Applications in Optoelectronics / Other Applications 1. Optoelectronics Applications
2. Photodetectors
3. CdS Nanowire Photoconductor
4. Light Emitting Diodes
5. Gan Nanowire based LED
6. Nanoscale Lasers
7. Infrared Photoluminescence Layout
8. First IR Single NW Laser

1. The Earilist Chemical Sensor in Human History
2. What do you expect from a Well-Designed Sensor Systems?
3. Why Nanomaterials/Nanosensors?
4. Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Chemical Sensors
5. Carbon Nanotube Chemical Force Sensor
6. Sensing via Monitoring Dielectric Properties of SWCNTs
7. SWCNT Capacitor as Chemical Sensor
8. 비디오 Other Applications 1. SWCNT Capacitor as Chemical Sensor
2. Vapor/Gas Detection via Ionization from Nanotubes
3. Conductivity Change of CNTs upon Gas/Vapor Adsorption
4. SWCNT Chemiresistor
5. SWCNT Sensor Testing
6. Sensing Mechanisms
7. Nanosensing Approach:Selectivity
8. Indium Oxide Nanowires for Chemical Sensors
9. In2O3 Nanowire Sensor for NO2
10. Dependence of Sensitivity on Nanowire Radius
11. Biosensor Application
12. Some examples of Nano-biosensors
13. CNT based Biosensors
14. Electrochemical Biosensing of DNA Hybridization
15. Commonly used Carbon Electrodes
16. Nanoelectrode for Biosensors
17. Nanotube Array as High Sensitivity
DNA Sensor
18. Nanoelectrode Array Fabrication
19. Carbon Nanotube Electrodes
at Different Densities
20. Functionalization of DNA
21. Electrochemical Detection of DNA Hybridization
9. 비디오 Introduction 1. Nanoelectronics and Computing
2. Expected Nanotechnology Benefits in Electronics and Computing
3. Health and Medicine
4. Energy Production and Utilization
5. Benefits of Nano in the Environment Sector
6. Benefits of Nanotechology in Transportation
7. National Security
8. Why Nanotechnology at NASA?
9. Assessment of Opportunities
10. Revolutionary Technology Waves
10. 비디오 IntroductionNanoscale Properties 1. Some Nano Definitions
2. Percentage of Suface Atoms
3. Surface to Bulk Atom Ratio
4. Size Dependence of Properties
5. Some More Size-Dependent Properties
6. Color
7. Specific Heat
8. Melting Point
9. Melting Point Dependence of Particle Size: 10. Analytical Derivation
11. Electrical Conductivity
12. I-V of a Single Nanoparticle
13. Adsorption: Some Background
14. Physisorption
15. Chemisorption
11. 비디오 Nanomaterials reinforcement in compositesNanomaterials: Carbon NanotubesCNT Application: Structural, Mechanical 1. Nano-Reinforced Composites
2. Benefits of Nanotechnology in Composite
3. Development
4. Multifunctionality in Materials
5. Multifunctional Materials with Sensing
6. Capability
7. Examples of Multifunctional Materials
8. Candidates for Multifuctional Composites
9. Fine Particle Technology
10. Carbon Nanotube
11. CNT Properties
12. CNT Applications
12. 비디오 CNT Application: Structural, Mechanical 1. CNT Synthesis
2. Carbon Nanotubes: Some Examples
3. CVD Growth Mechanisms For Carbon
4. Nanotubes
5. Ion Beam Sputtering of Mult Catalysts for Nanotube Growth
6. Catalyst Characterization
7. Role of the Unter
8. SWNTs on Patterned Substrates
9. Raman Analysis of SWNTs
10. Multiwall Nanotube Towers
11. MWNTs by Thermal CVD: Summary
13. 비디오 CNT Application: Structural, Mechanical 1. Why Plasma in Nanotube Growth?
2. Plasma Reactor for CNT Growth
3. MWNTs vs. CNFs
4. TEM Images of MWNTs and CNFs
5. Raman Spectra at 633nm
6. Excitation: Plasma CVD Samples
7. Low Temperature PECVD of CNFs
8. SWNT Growth by PECVD
9. High Volume Production of CNTs
10. Purification of CNTs
11. Functionalization
12. Funtionalization using a Glow Discharge
13. Atomic H Functionalization using a Plasma: FTIR Results
14. 비디오 GrapheneNanomaterials: Nanoparticles and others 1. Graphene
2. Characterization
3. Graphene Synthesis
4. CVD of Graphene
5. PECVD of Graphene
6. Applications
7. Preparation of Nanoparticles
8. Desirable Attributes of Nanoparticles
9. Supercriticla Fluids background
10. Supercriticla Fluid Synthesis of Nanoparticles
11. Advantage of Supercritical Fluid technique in nanoparticles production
12. SCF Production of Amoxicillin NPs

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