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    자연과학 >생물ㆍ화학ㆍ환경 >생명공학
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Introduction to the course (Prof. Marina Hincapie)
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Introduction to the course (Prof. Marina Hincapie) Syllabus: reading lists, references in library, exams, presentations and grades. General overview of protein chemistry and post translational modifications. URL
2. 비디오 The production of recombinant DNA-derived proteins in bacterial and mammalian cell systems. The isolation, purification and testing procedures required for the production of a pure glycoprotein standard or pharmaceutical. Regulatory issues and discussion of the balance between safety and efficacy/purity (risk to benefit analysis). (Prof. Marina Hincapie) Methods for enrichment and isolation of target glycoproteins URL
3. 비디오 Heterogeneity of protein pharmaceuticals, product variants, host cell contaminantsSummary of chromatographic approaches to the study of protein structures: HPLC and capillary electrophoresis, SDS-PAGE, 1 and 2D gel electrophoresis, IEF (conventional and immobilized pH gradients), mass spectrometry detection, affinity chromatography, peptide mapping, separation of protein isoforms. Introduction of chromatography methods for protein separation and isoaltion URL
4. 비디오 Aggregation, mechanism of formation, detection and quantitation – size exclusion chromatography, SDS-PAGE, fluorescence spectroscopy, hydrophobic interaction chromatography, laser light scattering, freezing and shaking studies, formulation in detergent, examples trypsin inhibitor, platelet – derived growth factor, fibroblast growth factor. Overview of protein degradation reactions, backbone cleavage, crosslinking, glycation and other carbonyl adducts, immunogenicity, formulation, product stability. Introduction of mechanisma for protein aggregation URL
5. 비디오 Analytical methods for the measurement of the heterogeneity of proteins, product variants and biological sample effects. Introduction of Analytical methods for the measurement of the heterogeneity of proteins, product variants and biological sample effects. URL
6. 비디오 Glycoproteins, biosynthetic pathways, protein heterogeneity, biological and medical effects, separations of isoforms and structure determination, HPLC and capillary separations. Introduction of glycoproteomics URL
7. 비디오 Phosphoproteins, biosynthetic pathways, protein heterogeneity, biological and medical effects, separations of isoforms and structure determination, HPLC and capillary separations Introduction of phosphoproteomics URL
8. 비디오 Case study: The characterization of isoforms of human growth hormone. Introduction of Analytical methods for the characterization of isoforms fo human growth hormnone URL
9. 비디오 Proteomics and the study of human disease and chromosomes Introduction of analytical method for proteomic study of human disease and chromosomes URL

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