
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    자연과학 >생물ㆍ화학ㆍ환경 >생명공학
  • 강의학기
    2012년 2학기
  • 조회수
시각 신경과학, 실험심리학, 계산론적 신경과학 또는 감각/시스템 수준의 신경과학을 전공하거나 관심이 있는 대학원생들을 위한 고급 대학원 강의. 강의를 통해 현대 시각 신경과학의 핵심 주제들과 방법론들을 다룬 다음 이 주제 및 방법들과 밀접히 관련된 주요 논문들을 함께 읽고 토론하는 과목.

차시별 강의

1. 문서 Class preview (“Encoding and decoding visual events in the uncertain world”) This material explains about the course schedule. URL
2. 문서 Introductory lecture on “Adaptive Encoding and Decoding of Visual Events by Visual Brain: Effects of adaptation, attention, learning, action on perception and neural activity” This lecture identifies the features and the principles of neural systems that mediatehuman perceptual decision making. URL
3. 문서 Adaptive coding of visual information in neural populations (Diego A. Gutnisky & Valentin Dragoi, 2008): Adaptation / Population coding / Noise correlation This lecture identifies the principles of the Bayesian sampling in visual perception. URL
4. 문서 Attention to surfaces modulates motion processing in extrastriate area MT. (Wannig A, Rodríguez V, Freiwald WA., 2007): Attention / Motion This lecture identifies the features of the advances in visual perceptual learning and plasticity. URL
5. 문서 The normalization model of attention. (Reynolds JH & Heeger DJ, 2009): Attention / Normalization This lecture identifies the principles of the networks computing the orientation tuning of surround modulation. URL
6. 문서 Task difficulty and the specificity of perceptual learning (Ahissar & Hochstein, 1997): Perceptual learning / difficulty This lecture examines the principles and the procedures of the visual object recognition of the brain. URL
7. 문서 Rewards evoke learning of unconsciously processed visual stimuli in adult humans. (Seitz AR, Kim D, Watanabe T., 2009): consciousness / reward / perceptual learning This lecture examines the features of each processing stratagies of the primate visual system. URL
8. 문서 Ready…Go: Amplitude of the fMRI Signal Encodes Expectation of Cue Arrival Time. (Xu Cui., Chess Stetson, P. Read Montague, David M. Eagleman, 2009): Expectation / time perception This lecture identifies the procedures of information extraction from neuronal populations. URL
9. 문서 Perceptual accuracy and conflicting effects of certainty on risk-taking behaviour. (Shafir S, Reich T, Tsur E, Erev I, Lotem A., 2008): perceptual decision / uncertainty This lecture identifies the concept of space and time in visual context. URL
10. 문서 Human Insula Activation Reflects Risk Prediction Errors As Well As Risk (Kerstin Preuschoff, Steven R. Quartz and Peter Bossaerts, 2008): Error prediction / uncertainty / risk This lecture examines the temporal evolution tracking of a perceptual judgement. URL

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