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2012 제4회 정보전자융합공학부 국제심포지엄

  • 포항공과대학교
  • Roberto Saracco,Alberto Leon-Garcia,Mahmoud Daneshmand,Daniel S Yeung,Laura M. Roa,Sung-Mo“Steve” Kang,Guy Pujolle,Thomas G. Dietterich,Bingli Jiao,Jean-Philippe Baudrey
  • 주제분류
    공학 >컴퓨터ㆍ통신 >정보통신공학
  • 강의학기
    2012년 2학기
  • 조회수
U-Health approach to deliver quality and affordable health care to the citizens has been gaining popularity in Korea and other industrialized nations. To achieve this objective, advances in IT,BT & the emerging field of NT are critical. More importantly, practical implementation requires convergence of these disciplines.
Convergent IT for Global Wellbeing
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Convergent IT for Global Wellbeing ** Sung-Mo “Steve” Kang

The convergence in technologies, especially those linked to Information Technology, has played critical roles in modern civilization. Combined with advancement in transportation technology, IT has brought more intimate and faster human interactions, be they social or business oriented. Internet-based interactions and mobility enabled by portable devices make human connections ubiquitous. Searching for information has also become easy and fast, although authenticity and credibility are not always guaranteed. Major business successes in recent years have been built around IT. To name a few, Facebook, Apple’s iPhone, and Samsung’s Galaxy.
In the first part of this talk, we will discuss the influences and future trends of convergent IT on global wellbeing, especially on education, entertainment, energy, environment and healthcare. Major forces behind the convergence of IT have been the continually miniaturized micro/nanoelectronics. With ultra-high density VLSI chips, today’s mobile phones are more powerful and more versatile than the supercomputers a few decades ago. With advancements in carbon nanotubes, nanowires and nanoelectronics, new materials, new device technologies and large scale co-design of hardware and software, the future of IT field can be even more exciting. Ultra low power implantable VLSIs enable great advancements in biomedical research and healthcare.
On the other hand, with shrinking device dimensions, the reliance on electron charge for representing digital information may no longer be the right way. The imminent barriers to Moore’s Law call for disruptive idea of VLSI building blocks for future generation electronics. Responsive efforts span from investigation of new physical state variables other than charge or voltage to novel nanoelectronic devices and circuit architectures offering ultra-dense memory, and low-power logic and reconfigurable hardware architectures.
Thus in the second part of this talk, we will discuss memristors with their inherent nonvolatile resistance as a state variable. Nanoscale memristors can be configured for NVRAM memories, logic gates, reconfigurable interconnects and nonvolatile latches with high integration density. With CMOS compatibility, the NVRAM technology has become a leading technology. Some interesting memristor realizations and their applications in analog circuits, digital circuits, neuromorphic circuits, RRAM, CAM, and FPGAs and others will be discussed.
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2. 비디오 Internet WITH Things: at the crossing point of technology, telecommunications, information technology, business and regulation. ** Roberto Saracco

Technology for identification of objects as diverse as digital cameras, tomatoes, drugs, monuments... is now available at lower and lower cost. Ne products are likely to be produced with embedded identification and devices like cell phones, cars, appliances will be able to recognize this identity. Pervasive communications, in particularly LTE, will bridge the local identity with a mirror image of that object in the web space and information technology will provide the tools for mashing up services and information thus creating a seamless continuum among objects and services. This will lead to huge business opportunities and will change the way each of us perceives his environment. At the same time it will raise new challenges in terms of privacy, ownership and authentication. A whole new field for regulators.
This trend is just starting, and at the European Institute of Innovation and Technology we are looking at its various aspects afore mentioned. The Internet WITH Things is different from the Internet of Things. The latter is about sensors and other devices talking one another, the former is about us, about a different way of perceiving our world.
The talk will expand on these aspects and report some progress being made in the context of the Trentino region where the EIT ICT Labs Italy is located.
문서 Internet WITH Things: at the crossing point of technology, telecommunications, information technology, business and regulation. 강 의 자 료 소스URL
3. 비디오 Smart Applications on Virtual Infrastructures ** Alberto Leon-Garcia

We envision future programmable application platforms where users and providers of content, services and infrastructure interact in an open applications marketplace that is in the center of social and economic activity. This marketplace will be characterized by extremely large scale and very high churn, with new applications and content being introduced and others retired at very fast rates. These attributes of the marketplace will place extreme demands on the supporting infrastructure for agility in resource allocation, as well as scalability, reliability, accountability and security. Cost-effectiveness will require flexibility in the infrastructure so it can be readily re-purposed, essentially reprogrammed, to provide new capabilities. In this talk we introduce the Canada NSERC Strategic Network for Smart Applications on Virtual Infrastructures, and we discuss how its research agenda is addressing these research challenges.
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4. 비디오 “Big Data”: Definition, Recent Applications, and Future Directions ** Mahmoud Daneshmand

“Big Data” is being viewed by many as the second industrial revolution. This talk, will define “Big Data”, present major recent applications, and discuss future challenges and directions. Emphasize will be on Intelligent Network Operations and Management as well as Health applications, and the problem of integration and analysis of huge amounts of very heterogeneous data in real time.
Recent topics of focus including real time data mining, data stream management, interactive visualization, data mining of non-relational data (e.g. speech), and mining of data from distributed sensor networks, with applications ranging from customer experience, recommender systems to medical monitoring/prediction will be presented.
Discussion will highlight a number of approaches to maximize the value of data, as well as trends in this area. Selected future research directions will be presented.
문서 “Big Data”: Definition, Recent Applications, and Future Directions 강 의 자 료 소스URL
5. 비디오 A Sensitivity Based Generalization Error Model for Supervised Learning Problems ** Daniel S Yeung

Generalization error model provides a theoretical support for a classifiers performance in terms of prediction accuracy. However, existing models give very loose error bounds. This explains why classification systems generally rely on experimental validation for their claims on prediction accuracy. In this talk we will revisit this problem and explore the idea of developing a new generalization error model based on the assumption that only prediction accuracy on unseen points in a neighbourhood of a training point will be considered, since it will be unreasonable to require a classifier to accurately predict unseen points "far away" from training samples. The new error model makes use of the concept of sensitivity measure for multiplayer feedforward neural networks (Multilayer Perceptrons or Radial Basis Function Neural Networks). The new model was developed for both single and multiple classifier systems. Its usefulness is demonstrated in the problems of architecture selection and feature reduction for RBFNN classifiers. A number of experimental results on image classification, content based information retrieval and bankruptcy prediction will be presented.
문서 A Sensitivity Based Generalization Error Model for Supervised Learning Problems 강 의 자 료 소스URL
6. 비디오 Bioinspired issues for the design of complex systems ** Laura M. Roa

Facing the synthesis of complex systems entails a two-fold approach. On the one hand, the approach to complex systems as the result of successive adaptations produced by a natural selection process. This Darwinian approach is widely accepted in Biology, but it results more argueable in the Engineering field. On the other hand, the intelligent design, essentially discarded in Biology, but dominant in Engineering. However, the advent of nanotechnologies is focusing the attention to evolutive design processes of biological inspiration. In this lecture, we present different examples that allow the comparison of biological systems and their possible application to evolutive design methods.
문서 Bioinspired issues for the design of complex systems 강 의 자 료 소스URL
7. 비디오 Internet of the Future: the Impact of Virtualization and Green TechnologiesGuy Pujolle We will present how the Internet of the future will be impacted by virtual networking with a piloting system able to optimise 1) the placement of virtual resources of a new virtual network, and 2) the urbanisation of virtual resource implemented on the physical network equipment. This architecture is intelligence-oriented using mechanisms capable of controlling automatically the placement of all virtual resources in the physical network. Then, we will describe the implication on future wireless networks, and on green paradigm. URL
문서 Internet of the Future: the Impact of Virtualization and Green Technologies Guy Pujolle 강 의 자 료 소스URL
8. 비디오 Computational Sustainability: Applying Advanced Computing to Ecological Science and Ecosystem Management ** Thomas G. Dietterich

The revolution in the price and capability of sensors and sensor networks has the potential to transform ecological science and ecosystem management. To achieve this transformation, we must provide algorithms and methodologies to bridge the gap from raw sensor data to optimal decision making under uncertainty. There are several steps needed to cross this gap:
(a) sensor placement: where should sensors be deployed for maximum value? (a) sensor placement: where should sensors be deployed for maximum value? (c) data interpretation: transforming low level data into higher level interpretations (d) model fitting: fitting static and dynamic predictive models (e) policy optimization: designing decisionmaking policies under uncertainty (f) policy execution.
문서 Computational Sustainability: Applying Advanced Computing to Ecological Science and Ecosystem Management 강 의 자 료 소스URL
9. 비디오 New developments of m-healthcare in china ** Bingli Jiao

The role of m-healthcare in China will be analyzed and the several issues will be discussed. The first issue is the top design based on internet architecture with emphasis on the reliability in the real time operations. The problems of life emergency and the curtail signal transmissions will be concerned. The second issue is the granular of the information transmitted over wireless systems. The problem of information- loss and redundancy will be discussed. The third issue is the possible interference to the existed medical devices. The harmful interference will be addressed for the possible hurts to the patients.
문서 New developments of m-healthcare in china 강 의 자 료 소스URL
10. 비디오 Smart Cities ** Jean-Philippe Baudrey

문서 Smart Cities 강 의 자 료 소스URL

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