
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    인문과학 >언어ㆍ문학 >영어영문학
  • 강의학기
    2017년 2학기
  • 조회수
The course will begin the study of Modern British Drama by analyzing its reactions to the two dominant theatrical forms at the turn of the 20th century: the long-established comedy of manners, and the new, revolutionary forms of Realism and Naturalism. From Noel Coward, Oscar Wilde, and George Bernard Shaw in the early part of the 20th century, to Harold Pinter in the 1960s, to Sarah Kane and Caryl Churchill in the late 1990s, playwrights approached the theatre as a platform for social critique, cultural commentary, political satire, and celebration of the human spirit. The historical form of the comedy of manners, which portrays and parodies the etiquette and aesthetics of the upper classes, was a model that playwrights plundered and deconstructed, knowing that audiences would recognize the conventions and find titillation and humor in their being repurposed. Realism and naturalism, revolutionary in their focus on the interior of the domestic sphere, as well as the interior of the human mind, helped catalyze some audiences as social discussants, while others were shocked and dismayed at what they perceived as perverse. Drama has a long and fruitful history in Great Britain. The comedy of manners gave playwrights and the theatre-going public a mobile platform on which to develop their social voices, and Realism gave them the new style with which to accomplish this task. The social concern of British drama also finds expression in the development of verbatim theatre and documentary drama, as well as dramatic works that challenge the distinction between drama, theatre, and performance art. At the same time, the commercial success of drama in Great Britain has created theatre for world-wide audiences, while the West End and Broadway seem to lose their locality and morph into global spaces?especially considering the touring productions of high-profile musicals that find stages all over the world (including in Seoul right now)!

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Richard Brinsley Sheridan and “School for Scandal” Why study drama? What makes Brit drama unique? Brit Drama 1890-present. URL
2. 비디오 Introduction to Oscar Wilde and Lady Windermere’s Fan Why study drama? What makes Brit drama unique? Brit Drama 1890-present. URL
3. 비디오 Tropes of Victorian women in drama Why study drama? What makes Brit drama unique? Brit Drama 1890-present. URL
4. 비디오 Life of Oscar Wilde; the “dandy" Understanding Wilde’s context: the labor of effortlessness and the “dandy”; fantasy in the age of realism? Failure of humanism and modernism? URL
5. 비디오 Oscar Wilde and Women Understanding Wilde’s context: the labor of effortlessness and the “dandy”; fantasy in the age of realism? Failure of humanism and modernism? URL
6. 비디오 Introduction to Mrs. Warren's Profession Understanding Shaw’s moral and ethical philosophy URL
7. 비디오 George Bernard Shaw and Women Understanding Shaw’s moral and ethical philosophy URL
8. 비디오 Shaw and the "social discussion play" Understanding the social discussion play. URL
9. 비디오 Shaw and Philosophy Understanding Shaw’s moral and ethical philosophy URL
10. 비디오 Introduction to Noel Coward & Coward and the Occult Introduction to Noel Coward & Coward and the Occult URL
11. 비디오 John Osborne's Look Back in Anger Understanding “modernism” URL
12. 비디오 Look Back in Anger and 'Kitchen Sink Realism' Understanding “modernism” URL
13. 비디오 The influence of Bertolt Brecht on British Theatre Understanding Epic Theatre and realism URL
14. 비디오 Shelagh Delaney's 'A Taste of Honey' Understanding Epic Theatre and realism URL
15. 비디오 Agit-prop theatre; Oh What a Lovely War! Understanding agit-prop theatre; theatre and protest URL
비디오 Agit-prop theatre; Oh What a Lovely War! & Joan Littlewood and British mid-century politics Understanding agit-prop theatre; theatre and protest URL
비디오 Introduction to Samuel Beckett and harold Pinter Understanding Formalism, Absurdism and Symbolism URL
비디오 Introduction to Caryl Churchill Understanding Formalism, Absurdism and Symbolism URL
비디오 Feminism and Caryl Churchill's Top Girls Understanding Formalism, Absurdism and Symbolism URL
비디오 Feminism and Caryl Churchill's Top Girls II Understanding Formalism, Absurdism and Symbolism URL
비디오 Verbatim Theatre and Documentary Drama Understanding a verbatim theatre and documentary drama URL
비디오 Robin Soan’s Talking to Terrorists Understanding a verbatim theatre and documentary drama URL
비디오 Postmodern Drama Understanding self-reflexivity; postmodernism URL
비디오 Sarah Kane's Blasted Understanding self-reflexivity; postmodernism URL

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