
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >전기ㆍ전자 >전기전자공학
  • 등록일자
  • 조회수
This course consists of these topics: Modern techniques in material science ? Introduction; Methods in materials analysis; Nan characterization Electron Microscopy; HRTEM; SEM as analysis tool; STM+AFM; Electrical Measurements; X-rays analysis of structure; UV and visible light for analysis; Emission spectroscopy for analysis; Structure analysis by IR and Raman composition; NMR ESR XPS EELS EDX

차시별 강의

1. 문서 Modern_techniques_in_material_science-Introduction This lecture identifies the concept of matters and examines the terminology of the measurement of matters. URL
2. 문서 Modern_techniques-Introduction This lecture examines diverse methods that can be adopted for the measurement of matters. URL
3. 문서 Methods_in_materials_analysis This lecture identifies the material analysis by qualitative and quantitative measurement. URL
4. 문서 Nanocharacterization_Electron_Microscopy This lecture identifies the principles and technologies relevant to "nano." URL
5. 문서 HRTEM This lecture identifies the emergence of TEM and its development to HRTEM. URL
6. 문서 Special Topic This material is the topic preparation for the midterm exam. URL
7. 문서 SEM_as_analysis_tool This lecture examines the principles of SEM and the procedures of its utilization in matter analysis. URL
8. 문서 STM+AFM This lecture identifies the principles and the application of STM(Scanning Tunneling Microscopy) and AFM(Atomic Force Microscopy) to nanocharacterization. URL
9. 문서 Electrical Measurements This lecture examines the electrical factors and procedures considering the characterization method. URL
10. 문서 X-rays analysis of structure This lecture refers to the X-ray diffraction in order to identify the spectroscopic methods of measurement. URL
11. 문서 UV and visible light for analysis This lecture refers to the UV and visible light in order to identify the spectroscopic methods of measurement. URL
12. 문서 Emission_spectroscopy_for_analysis This lecture identifies various types of emission spectroscopy and classifies them according to their procedures. URL
13. 문서 Structure_analysis_by_IR_and_Ramancomposition This lecture introduces various structure analysis methods related to spectroscopic anlysis. URL
14. 문서 NMR_ESR_XPS_EELS_EDX This lecture introduces various structure analysis methods related to spectroscopic anlysis. URL
15. 문서 Special Topic This material is the topic preparation for the final term exam. URL

연관 자료


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