
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >건축 >건축공학
  • 강의학기
    2012년 2학기
  • 조회수
Subject teaches the strength, behavior, and design of reinforced concrete members subjected to moments, shear, and axial forces. It includes extensive discussion of the influence of the material properties on behavior.

차시별 강의

1. 문서 Introduction Structural Concrete Historical Background Code of Practice Safety Provision URL
2. 문서 Properties of Reinforced Concrete (1) Factors Affecting the Strength of Concrete Compressive Strength Stress-Strain curve of Concrete Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete URL
3. 문서 Properties of Reinforced Concrete (2) Volume Changes of Concrete Creep High-Performance Concrete Steel Reinforcment URL
4. 문서 Flexural Analysis of Reinforced Concrete (1) Introduction Assumptions Behavior of simply supported RC beam loaded to failure Load Factors Strength Reduction Factor URL
5. 문서 Flexural Analysis of Reinforced Concrete (2) Equivalent Compressive Stress Distribution Limit of Steel Percentage Sections in the Transition Region URL
6. 문서 Flexural Analysis of Reinforced Concrete (3) Rectangular Sections with Compression reinforcement Analysis of T- and I- Sections Analysis of Sections Using Tables URL
7. 문서 Flexural Design of Reinfored Concrete Beams Rectangular Sections with Reinforcement Only Spacing and Reinforcement and Concrete Cover Rectangular Sections with Compression Reinforcement Design of T-Sections URL
8. 문서 Deflection and Control of Cracking Deflection of Structural Concrete Members Instantaneous Deflection Long-Term Deflection Allowable Deflection Cracks in Flexural Members URL
9. 문서 Development Length of Reinforcing Bars (1) Development of Bond Stresses Development Length in Tension Development Length in Compression URL
10. 문서 Development Length in Tension (2) Critical Sections in Flexural Members Standard Hooks Splices of Reinforcement URL
11. 문서 Shear and Diagonal Tension (1) Introduction Shear Stresses in Concrete Beams Beams with Shear Reinforcement URL
12. 문서 Shear and Diagonal Tension (2) Shear Design Requirement Design of Vertical Stirrups Design Summary URL
13. 문서 Shear and Diagonal Tension (3) Deep Flexural Members URL
14. 문서 One-Way Slabs Types of Slabs Design of One-Way Solid Slabs Temperature and Shrinkage Reinforcement Reinforcement Details URL

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