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    자연과학 >생물ㆍ화학ㆍ환경 >생물학
  • 강의학기
    2012년 2학기
  • 조회수
Omics approach has profoundly affected all aspects of Life Sciences including genetics, medical genetics, genomics, and proteomics. This course will cover three areas of the Life Sciences that gained whole new perspectives by the approach and raises new questions to current dogmas: Omics of whole genomes, whole proteomes, and structural proteomics.
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Introduction What we need to learn
How to learn
1. 비디오 Introduction What we need to learn
How to learn
2. 비디오 Universe Earth Life on Earth I. A brief “history” of Universe--Contnued
II. A brief “history” of the solar system
2. 비디오 Universe Earth Life on Earth III. A brief “history” of the earth
IV. A brief “history” of life on earth
3. 비디오 Whole Genomes 1. Genes and Genomes
2. Interrupted Genes: Gene structure of Eukaryotes
3. 비디오 Whole Genomes 3. Diversity of genes Some DNA Sequences Code for More Than One Protein
4. Genome Content
4.1. Genic and non-genic regions
4.2. Synteny
4.3. Genome of Organelles
4. 비디오 Human Genome; A New Landscape Before ENCODE--Summary, continued
Scale of ENCODE Project
After ENCODE--Summary
ENCODE abbreviations
4. 비디오 Human Genome; A New Landscape Functional genomic elements
Experimental tools
Networks of looping interactions.
General features of the DHS landscape.
Chromatin accessibility and DNA methylation patterns.
Genetic variation in regulatory DNA linked to mutation rate.
5. 비디오 Human Whole Genome Human Evolution (past, present, future)
Variations of Human Genomes (as of ~2008)
We need to know Genome variations among
Major Variations
5. 비디오 Human Whole Genome Human Genetic Variations
Known mechanisms that cause the variations
by DNA restructuring
Genomics provides a platform for investigation of biological phenomena in a comprehensive, unbiased, hypothesis-free manner.
6. 비디오 Human Genome Features Genome Anatomy and Physiology
1. Protein-coding genes
2. Conserved non-coding elements (CNEs)
3. CNEs and species evolution
4. Transposones as drivers of evolutionary innovation
5. Small non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs)
6. Ubiquitous transcription
7. Large intergenic non-coding RNAs (lincRNAs)
8. Epigenomic map
9. Three-dimensional structure of the genome
6. 비디오 Human Genome Features Genomic Variations
1. Linkage disequilibrium, HapMap and SNPs.
2. Copy number polymorphisms (CNPs)
3. Mapping structural variations of whole genome
4. Mapping structural variations on a chromosome
6. 비디오 Human Genome Features Medicine
1. Mendelian and chromosomal disorder
2. Common Diseases and Traits
3. Cancer
Clinical Genomics
Human Diversity and History
5. SNP, haplotype, CNV variations across populations
5-1. SNP, haplotype, CNV variations across populations
7. 비디오 The Cancer Genome-1: Cancer Landscape Cancer as an evolutionary process
Mutations in a cancer genome
Acquisition of somatic mutations in cancer genomes
Driver and passenger mutations
Landscape of cancer genome
Cancer genome sequencing in future
7. 비디오 The Cancer Genome-1: Cancer Landscape Cancer as an evolutionary process
Mutations in a cancer genome
Acquisition of somatic mutations in cancer genomes
Driver and passenger mutations
Landscape of cancer genome
Cancer genome sequencing in future
8. 비디오 The Cancer Genome-2: Cancer Evolution Dynamic Evolution of Cancer Genome
- Interplay of somatic mutation, adaptation of clones to their
- environment and natural selection
- High heterogeneity of cancer genomes
- Forces that act on nascent cancer clones as they evolve
- Mutational processes that generate genetic variation
8. 비디오 The Cancer Genome-2: Cancer Evolution - The heterogeneous cancer genome _ Heterogeneity of The mutatinal landscape
- Heterogeneity within an individual cancer
- Cellular ground state and cancer evolution
- The role of genomic crises in tumorigenesis
- The role of mutation rate in cancer evolution
9. 비디오 Father’s age and disease risk of his children Mutations generate sequence diversity and provide a substrate for selection.
The rate of de novo mutations is therefore of major importance to evolution.
Genome-wide mutation rates by sequencing the entire genomes of 78 Icelandic parent–offspring trios at high coverage.
With an average father’s age of 29.7, the average de novo mutation rate is 12 x 10-9 per nucleotide per generation.
9. 비디오 Father’s age and disease risk of his children Most notably, the diversity in mutation rate of single nucleotide polymorphisms is dominated by the age of the father at conception of the child. The effect is an increase of about two mutations per year. An exponential model estimates paternal mutations doubling every 16.5 years.
These observations shed light on the importance of the father’s age on the risk of diseases such as schizophrenia and autism.
10. 비디오 Creation of a New Life Form “Creation of a bacterial cell controlled by a chemically synthesized genome”
DG Gibson et al., July 2, 2010, Science, Vol. 329, 52-56
1995; Mycoplama genitalium genome sequenced, one of the smallest genomes.
Rapid decrease in the cost of chemical synthesis of short DNA fragments.
Basic science of joining DNA fragments into a larger piece by in vitro enzymatic methods and in vivo recombination methods in yeast.
10. 비디오 Creation of a New Life Form “Creation of a bacterial cell controlled by a chemically synthesized genome”
DG Gibson et al., July 2, 2010, Science, Vol. 329, 52-56
1995; Mycoplama genitalium genome sequenced, one of the smallest genomes.
Rapid decrease in the cost of chemical synthesis of short DNA fragments.
Basic science of joining DNA fragments into a larger piece by in vitro enzymatic methods and in vivo recombination methods in yeast.
11. 비디오 Process of Discovery: DNA Structure “Obsession,” Vision
Audacity of young minds
Fallacy of some “common wisdoms” or “textbook facts”
First few “great ideas” are often wrong
Checking with “experts” with cautions
“Out-of-box” thinking
“Crystallizing” or “gelling” of many important facts by the new discovery
Big discovery  Happiness (“Aha”)
11. 비디오 Process of Discovery: DNA Structure “Obsession,” Vision
Audacity of young minds
Fallacy of some “common wisdoms” or “textbook facts”
First few “great ideas” are often wrong
Checking with “experts” with cautions
“Out-of-box” thinking
“Crystallizing” or “gelling” of many important facts by the new discovery
Big discovery  Happiness (“Aha”)

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