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  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >사회과학기타 >사회복지학
  • 강의학기
    2012년 2학기
  • 조회수
사회복지 실습에 필요한 인간의 행동과 발달에 대한 개념을 제공한다. 환경의 흐름 속 인간의 행동과 발달을 알아본다. 전 생애적이고 시스템에 관련한 여러가지 이론들을 학습한다.

차시별 강의

1. 문서 Introduction Introduction about Human behavior and Social environment URL
2. 문서 Introduction to Human Behaviorand Social Environment -1 Purpose of Social Workers, URL
3. 문서 Introduction to Human Behaviorand Social Environment -2 Systems Theory URL
4. 문서 Part1: Infancy and Childhood-Biological development Biological Development in Infancy and childhood, Fetal Development during Pregnancy, Prenatal Influences URL
5. 문서 Part1: Infancy and Childhood-psychological development Psychodynamic Theory URL
6. 문서 Part1: Infancy and Childhood-psychological development -2 Object Relations Theory, Attachment Theory URL
7. 문서 Part1: Infancy and Childhood-psychological development -3 Piaget’s Cognitive Development, Cognitive Development: Vygotsky URL
8. 문서 Part1: Infancy and Childhood-Social development -1 Learning Theory (Behavior Theory), Social Learning Theory URL
9. 문서 Part1: Infancy and Childhood-Social development -2 Development of Self, Socialization, Healthy Family, Child Abuse, Child Neglect URL
10. 문서 Part2: Adolescence-Biological development Adolescence and Puberty, The Growth Spurt, Early and Late Maturation in Boys and Girls URL
11. 문서 Part2: Adolescence-Psychological development -1 Erikson’s Psychosocial Development, Marcia’s Identity Development URL
12. 문서 Part2: Adolescence-Psychological development -2 Kohlberg’s Moral Development, Gilligan’s Moral Development URL
13. 문서 Diversity and Culture Definition - Culture, Definition of cultural competence, Cultural Competency, Cultural Adaptation, Definitions relating to Bias, Oppressive System URL
14. 문서 Part3: Young and Middle Adulthood - Biological Aspect Young Adulthood, Middle Adulthood, Developmental tasks and life crisis, Female Menopause URL
15. 문서 Part3: Young and Middle Adulthood - Psychological Aspect Psychological Theories URL
16. 문서 Part3: Young and Middle Adulthood -Social Aspect Sociological Theories to Understand Macro Systems URL
17. 문서 Part4: Later Adulthood - Biological Aspect Aging Process, Classification of this period, Expected Average length of Life in Korea, Factors associated with a shorter life expectancy, Stress URL
18. 문서 Part4: Later Adulthood - Psychological Aspect Developmental task of Later Adulthood, Three Key Psychological adjustments, Grieving Process: The Kübler-Ross Model, 4
Social work with older people

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