
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    인문과학 >인문과학기타 >철학
  • 강의학기
    2011년 2학기
  • 조회수
  • 평점
    3.1/5.0 (6)
This course is an attempt to answer the question, What is “I”?, drawing upon multiple disciplines: philosophy, psychology, computer science, neuroscience, biology, and physics. It aims to increase our ability to think critically and communicate effectively by engaging ourselves in rigorous argumentations over issues concerning logic, morality, happiness, death, mind, science, religion, and the self.
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Introduction - Argument
- Fallacies
: Ad Homeinem
: Straw Man
: Appeal to ignorance
: Begging the Question
2. 비디오 Argument: basic concepts; how to refute an argument? - Argument
- Fallacies
: Ad Homeinem
: Straw Man
: Appeal to ignorance
: Begging the Question
URL script
3. 비디오 What in "I" ? (1) - Iam a mertal being
- Suicise is a prevalent phenomenon
URL script
4. 비디오 What in "I" ? (2) - What is "I"?
- Questions
- Acquinass Argument
URL script
5. 비디오 Aginst the Death Penalty - Aginst the Death Penalty 1
- Aginst the Death Penalty 2
- Aginst the Death Penalty 3
6. 비디오 The Identity theory (1) - Definition
- One-to-One Correspondence
- Objection
- Dualism VS the identity theory
- Proponents of the Identity theory
비디오 The Identity theory (2) - Definition
- One-to-One Correspondence
- Objection
- Dualism VS the identity theory
- Proponents of the Identity theory
URL script
7. 비디오 Identity theory of mind (1) - Nagels Objection
- Lewis Objection
- Putnams Objection
URL script
8. 비디오 Identity theory of mind (2) biological, identity URL
9. Midterm exam
10. 비디오 Refutations of the identity theory -What is heat?
-Why is a hot object hot?
-Why is a cold object cold?
-Why do they assume the average temperature when they are in contact with each other?
비디오 What is heat? (2) -What is heat?
-Why is a hot object hot?
-Why is a cold object cold?
-Why do they assume the average temperature when they are in contact with each other?
11. 비디오 What is "I" ? (1) - i am s product of evolution URL
비디오 What is "I" ? (2) - i am s product of evolution URL
12. 비디오 Responsibility (1) - Moral Responsibility
- The Principle if Alternate Possibilities
- Why not blameworthy?
- Frankfurts Counterexample to PAP
- Actual and Hypothetical Situations
비디오 Responsibility (2) - Why not blameworthy?
- Frantfurts Counterexample to PAP
- Actual and Hypothetical Situations
- Jones
- Black
13. 비디오 Why are they the same person? (1) - Why are they the same person?
- What does it take for a person to persist through time?
- In virtue of what someone existing at one time is the same person as the one existing at another time?
비디오 Why are they the same person? (2) - The principle of Alternate Possibilities
- Jone
- Problem
14. 비디오 biologically continuous (1) - Are an embryo and its mother biologically continuous?
- Are two twins biologically continuous?
- Are my clone and i biologically continuous?
- What if a person is frozen and thawed?
- What if a person receives many different organs from many different people?
비디오 biologically continuous (2) - Are an embryo and its mother biologically continuous?
- Are two twins biologically continuous?
- Are my close and i biologically continuous?
- What if a person is frozen and thawed?
- What if a person receives many different organs from many different people?
15. Final exam

연관 자료


사용자 의견

강의 평가를 위해서는 로그인 해주세요.


  • 강의 이용시 필요한 프로그램 [바로가기]

    ※ 강의별로 교수님의 사정에 따라 전체 차시 중 일부 차시만 공개되는 경우가 있으니 양해 부탁드립니다.
