
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    교육학 >교육일반 >교육행정학
  • 강의학기
    2012년 2학기
  • 조회수
"School Leadership. The role of school leader is the one of most important factors to make successful school. In this course, we focus on the organization of Supervision and Educational Leadership in school.

We will review the theory, research and practice of supervision and the role of school leader.

Course Objectives/Expected Outcomes:

The objectives in this class are:

1) To introduce supervision and educational leadership as a field of study and to familiarize the student with the literature and terminology of supervision;

2) To provide an overview of the diverse institutional and environmental factors that influence the landscape of education;

3) To understand the purpose of school education and how this purpose has changed and affected various types of schools;

4) To understand how organization, governance, and finance in education vary by institutional types, control, and mission;

5) To gain familiarity with major issues currently facing schools."

차시별 강의

1. 문서 01 Supervision for Successful Schools Supervision for Successful Schools URL
2. 문서 02 The Norm: Why Schools Are As They Are 1. The Legacy of the One-Room Schoolhouse 2. Viewing School Culture in the Context of the Larger Culture 3. Societal Problems 4. Developing a more democratic and just society URL
3. 문서 03 The Exception: What Schools Can Be "1. Early Effective Schools Research 2. The Second Wave of Effective Schools Research 3. Context Studies in Effective Schools Research 4. The Legacy of Effective Schools Research 5. From Effective Schools to School Improvement 6. Characteristics of Improving Schools 7. Connecting School Improvement to the Local Community and Larger Society" URL
4. 문서 04 Adult and Teacher Development within the Context of the School "1. Contemporary Theories of Intelligence 2. Malcolm Knowles’ Theory of Andragogy 3. Transformational Learning 4. Experiential Learning and Situated Cognition 5. Stage Theories of Adult Development 6. Adult Life Cycle Development 7. The Role of Gender in Adult Development 8. The Role of Race and Ethnicity in Adult Development 9. Adult and Teacher Development" URL
5. 문서 05 Reflections on Schools, Teaching, and Supervision "1. Effective Teaching 2. Constructivist Teaching and Learning 3. Beliefs about Education 4. Supervisory Beliefs 5. Relationship of Philosophy, Control, and Supervisory Belief 6. Effects of Culture on Beliefs 7. Cultural Effects on a School" URL
6. 문서 06 Supervisory Behavior Continuum "1. Categories of Supervisory Behaviors 2. The Supervisory Behavior Continuum 3. Outcomes of Conference 4. Johari Window 5. Cognitive Dissonance 6. Supervisor’s Self-Assessment" URL
7. 문서 07 Assessing and Planning Skills "1. Ways of Assessing Organizational Needs 2. Analyzing Organizational Needs 3. Planning" URL

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