
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    인문과학 >인문과학기타 >인문학
  • 강의학기
    2013년 2학기
  • 조회수
The main purpose of this class is to introduce traditional Korean culture to foreign students. This course begins with the introductory explanation of traditional Korean culture and a short overview of categorizations. The lectures will take up a series of topics designed to explore the various traditional cultural aspects in Korea. Topics include; Traces of Ancient Korea, Complex of Koguryo Tombs, Gyeongju Historic Areas, the Tripitaka Koreana, Annals of the Joseon Dynasty, Royal Ancestral Rite, Korean Alphabet, alaces, Folk Religion, Festive Occasions, Styles and Esthetics of Korean traditional Music and Traditional Korean Costume and house. Students are required to read a comprehensive but not overwhelmingly detailed text to supplement the lectures and to assist a better understanding of Korean culture..

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 1) 1주 : 세계속의 한국문화 ○Sightseeing in Seoul and Beyond By Robert Koehler URL
2. 비디오 2) 2주: 한국의 음악 -Introduction -Contents 1.Gayageum 가야금 2,Janggu 장구 3.Rhythm Patterns 장단 4.Melodis Modes 조 5.Sanjo “Scattered Modes” 산조 6.Byeongchang 병창 URL
3. 비디오 3) 3주: Korea’s Top Tourism Sites Interlocking Lists of the Places Most Worth Visiting In The Republic of Korea URL
4. 비디오 4) 4주: Taekwondo class Taekwondo’s history, custom, etiquettes, techniques URL
5. 비디오 5) 5주 :Cultural Tourism in Korea What is Cultural Tourism? Australian definition of "culture" Reasons for Growth in Cultural Tourism URL
6. 비디오 6) 6주: Classical Music Romantic period of music orchestra history Introduction of classical music URL
7. 비디오 7) 7주: 한국사 한국의 태동에서 현대에 이르기 까지 역사문화를 통사적으로 알기 쉽게 소개함. URL
8. 비디오 8) 8주: Korean Sansin Mountain Korean Sansin Mountain : Spirits - Art works and Practices URL
9. 비디오 9) 9주 : In Search for Korean Culture What is a soft power? Elements of Korean soft power Effects of South Korean Soft Power Korean Cinema on the rise URL
10. 비디오 10) 10주 :The historical analysis of South Korea - _The historical analysis of South Korea - U.S. relations based on Allliance theory. URL

연관 자료


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