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  • 주제분류
    공학 >전기ㆍ전자 >전자공학
  • 강의학기
    2019년 2학기
  • 조회수
1) To introduce students to the research prospectus and paper writing process.

2) To provide assistance in writing up research. This course includes but is not limited to: producing literature reviews and/or annotated bibliographies with the concentration on conventions of style and format of specific academic disciplines; synthesizing and relating verbal and nonverbal materials; analyzing research data and drawing conclusions.

3) To provide training for the development of self-editing and proofreading skills.

4) To provide individualized assistance with the drafting phase of documents.

차시별 강의

1. 문서 1강. Introduction to writing Research papers The class going in every Tuesday. In the first class (Sept 3th, 2019), Professor gave an introduction about the course of “How to write Research papers” in detail. He described the basic rule in the writing research papers and technical writing papers. The main objective of this course is to pay attention to the most important dimension of Research. The mission of the course is to impart research skills to the beginners and help them in improving quality of the Research. The main motivation of this course is to enable researchers in writing various research reports, thesis, dissertation, research papers, articles, essays. The outline of this course was technical writing, course objectives in this week. URL
2. 문서 2강. Overview of Research and Research Methodologies The second class (Sept 10th, 2019) is about the overview of research and research methodologies. In this week, Professor explained about concept of research, the need for research, types of research, steps in conducting research, where to do the research, what is a research paper is, and research at the university. In the types of research, professor explained about research in classification, which is Purpose and Method: • Purpose has 2 things : Basic and Applied/Development, and • Method has 5 things : Historical, Descriptive, Correlation, Ex-post Facto, and Experimental. And the simple way of classification is: • Non-Experimental : Historical, Descriptive, and Correlational, and • Experimental : Quasi-Experimental In this course the main concentration is on explaining on the concept and overview of research methodologies. URL
3. 문서 3강. Owning Your Research and Setting up Yourself for Success The third class (Sept 17th, 2019) topic that is about literature review, which emphasizes critical analysis of the literature and example of literature review. Characteristics of a Good Literature Review are mainly the formal writing that it is used mainly in -Academic writing, and - Business communications In this course the main concentration is on academic writing. In brief, academic writing is 'structured research' written by 'scholars' for other scholars (with all university writers being 'scholars' in this context). Moreover, Academic writing is; *factual *objective The outline of this course is to improve the literature review of the students by selecting the good academic writings related to each research field. URL
4. 문서 4강. Literature Review and Researchable Topic Identification2 In this week the main concentration is on citation. Citation: Citation can be defined as the specific source of work that you mention in the body of your paper. The format of the citation may change depending on the style you use and the way that you weave the citation into your writing. A citation is a way of giving credit to individuals for their creative and intellectual works that you utilized to support your research. It can also be used to locate particular sources and combat plagiarism. Typically, a citation can include: 1. The author's name, 2. Date, 3. Location of the publishing company, 4. Journal title, or DOI (Digital Object Identifer). A citation style dictates the information necessary for a citation and how the information is ordered, as well as punctuation and other formatting. Literature Review: Literature Review can be viewed as the critical analysis of the literature, or research, related to a specific topic. It can be illustrated as reading of the already published works of other researchers and applying to our own research work. For an effective research, Literature review on that topic should be strong and efficient, as it can pave the way for better research. The main important thing in Literature Review is that it will avoid the problem of repetitions. In this week the topics that are considered in general are: What is use of citation? Why one should cite sources? Purpose of citations What kind of information should be cited? How do we cite references? How to cite references? What is the aim of giving end-text reference? Where do we place end-text reference in the essay? URL
5. 문서 5강. Citation 2 On 5th week we continue learning about Citation. A citation is a way of giving credit to individuals for their creative and intellectual works that you utilized to support your research. It can also be used to locate particular sources and combat plagiarism. We learnt how to cite our papers with other used papers. As well as we learnt writing styles of how to mention used literatures from different languages. Professor showed a lot of examples on Citation. URL
6. 문서 6-1강. Research Hypotheses and Conducting Experiments2 In the 6th weeks the topics lecture are about Direct Quotation and Summary and Borrowing Ideas discussed. During your university study, students will have to write various kinds of texts. One challenging aspect of writing these texts is writing in a form that is acceptable to the readers, who are primarily with the lecturers. Many of these texts require the use of information derived from other sources, which must always be acknowledged. Borrowing Ideas include of: • Paraphrasing • Direct Quoting • Summarizing Paraphrasing: Paraphrasing can be defined as modifying the text which was stated or written by someone. In other words, Paraphrasing is rewriting the data or information that exists in the literature in our own sentences. If someone doesn’t follow the paraphrasing, that would lead to plagiarism. URL
문서 6-2강. Research Hypotheses and Conducting Experiments2 In the 6th weeks the topics lecture are about Direct Quotation and Summary and Borrowing Ideas discussed. During your university study, students will have to write various kinds of texts. One challenging aspect of writing these texts is writing in a form that is acceptable to the readers, who are primarily with the lecturers. Many of these texts require the use of information derived from other sources, which must always be acknowledged. Borrowing Ideas include of: • Paraphrasing • Direct Quoting • Summarizing Paraphrasing: Paraphrasing can be defined as modifying the text which was stated or written by someone. In other words, Paraphrasing is rewriting the data or information that exists in the literature in our own sentences. If someone doesn’t follow the paraphrasing, that would lead to plagiarism. URL
7. 문서 7-1강. Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Research In this week the topics that are discussed in general are Quantitative Analysis, Qualitative Methods and Coding. Quantitative Analysis: Quantitative analysis involves the techniques by which researches convert data to numerical forms and subject them to statistical analyses. Qualitative Methods: There are a wide variety of methods that are common in qualitative measurement. In fact, the methods are largely limited by the imagination of the researcher. Different between Quantitative and Qualitative Research: Quantitative Research involves analysis of numerical data and Qualitative Research involves analysis of data such as words, pictures or objects. Coding: Coding can be defined as the process of identifying categories and meanings in text, creating and applying a name or code to each, and systematically marking similar strings of text with the same code name. In this week professor gave an assignment about different quantitative methods on your research field. URL
문서 7-2강. Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Research In this week the topics that are discussed in general are Quantitative Analysis, Qualitative Methods and Coding. Quantitative Analysis: Quantitative analysis involves the techniques by which researches convert data to numerical forms and subject them to statistical analyses. Qualitative Methods: There are a wide variety of methods that are common in qualitative measurement. In fact, the methods are largely limited by the imagination of the researcher. Different between Quantitative and Qualitative Research: Quantitative Research involves analysis of numerical data and Qualitative Research involves analysis of data such as words, pictures or objects. Coding: Coding can be defined as the process of identifying categories and meanings in text, creating and applying a name or code to each, and systematically marking similar strings of text with the same code name. In this week professor gave an assignment about different quantitative methods on your research field. URL
8. 문서 8강. Research Ethics In the 6th weeks the topics lecture are about Research Ethics. Ethics can be defined as an area of study that deals with ideas about what is good and bad behavior. It is a branch of philosophy dealing with what is morally right or wrong. The common ethical issues in research are: • Conference paper from incomplete research • Glossed research method • Sponsorship • Authorship • Depiction of Research Method • Plagiarism The most important in research ethics are: • Ethical considerations cover all aspect of research but they are fore-grounded when the subject of the research are humans or animals • Research involving human subjects in the Medical, Social and Behavioral Sciences poses complex ethical issues. • It requires careful thought and consideration on the part of both researchers and research participants. • Prospective participants must be given adequate information on both the possible risks and the potential benefits of their involvement to allow them to make informed decisions. • With research involving human subjects the risks and costs must be balanced against the potential benefits • Trivial or repetitive research is may be unethical where the subjects are at risk URL
9. 문서 9강. Writing and Publishing Your Paper1 The topic discussed in this week is regarding writing and publishing of paper which consist of the reason of reject paper, where to submit a paper, cover letter and so on. The aim of the course consists of a how to guide to writing and publishing research articles for scientific journals, explaining every step of the process, from choosing a suitable journal for your work to presenting the results and citing references. How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper is the essential guide every scientist needs to achieve success in today's competitive environment. A paper may be rejected by a journal editor before it has even been sent out for review for the following reasons: 1. The paper is not relevant to that journal`s readers. 2. The paper does not make a contribution to new knowledge in the discipline or the application of knowledge. 3. The paper does not meet established ethical standards. 4. The paper is poorly written. 5. The paper has not been prepared according to the journal`s guidelines for presentation. URL
10. 문서 10강. Writing and Publishing Your Paper2 In this week the topic discussed was continue a writing and publishing of paper. Explained about the editorial process, satisfying reviewers, response from the editor, reviewer’s remarks and recommendation, reason for early rejection, dealing with rejection, how to get your paper accepted and so on. The editorial process is consist of: Submission Revision Required file Proof correction Publication(online and offline) The editor can select from: accept, reject, ask author for revision, ask for an additional reviewer. If there is any suspicion that a paper may contain plagiarism, the editorial office will check using the standard software. URL
11. 문서 11강. Writing and Publishing Your Paper 3 In this week, we continue a writing and publishing of paper. This week’s class is shorter than previous classes, because this is third week we study this topic. In the class we discussed Speeding up review by continuous tracking, Dis-satisfied with review, Errata, Some Wrong Doings/Mistakes. Dis-satisfied with review • Sometimes you feel not satisfied with the review – you can argue but gently (Example) • Think twice before you argue URL

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