
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >컴퓨터ㆍ통신 >정보통신공학
  • 강의학기
    2011년 2학기
  • 조회수
• In this course, students will learn how to perform research to support their projects which were defined and specified in ITCE500 Introduction to IT Convergence Engineering.

• The project will culminate in a submission of a conference or journal paper submission.

• The course will provide a set of 4 soft skills lecture on scientific databases, scientific publishing, project management
How to do Good Research & Writing?
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 How to do Good Research & Writing? 1. How to do good research
- Finding a Topic
- Conducting the research
2. How to write a good paper
2. 비디오 How to write a journal paper for a peer-reviewed Science/Engineering Journal 1. Making the decision to publish: Why?
2. Decision to Publish
3. Recycling or Reuse of Material
4. Decision to publish: Where?
5. Impact Factor
6. Organizing Your Paper
7. Title of the Article
8. Abstract
9. Introduction
10. Experimental Methods
11. Results and Discussion
12. Conclusion
13. References
14. Reference Format
15. Figure
16. Reproducing Figures from other Publications: Copyright Permission
17. Paragraphs
18. Avoid these unnecessary phrases
19. Punctuation
20. Review Process
21. Review
22. How to respond to reviews?
23. Response Letter
24. Plagiarism
3. 비디오 ITCE Technical Writing Short Course 1. Introduction
2. What should we study?
3. An Analogy
4. Why is English so hard?
5. Major Topics
6. Lists in Writing
7. Introductory Exercise
4. 비디오 ITCE Technical Writing Short Course Organizing Ideas 1. Introductory Exercise
2. Higher Level Parallelism
3. A listing paragraph
4. Considerations
5. List Items
6. Summarized List

1. My Fathers Wisdom
2. An illustration
3. Vocabulary Tools
4. Grammar Tools
5. Distinguished Three Things
6. Noun Phrases
7. Rule
8. Noun Compound Relationships
5. 비디오 Organizing Ideas 1. Rule
2. Noun Compound Relationships
3. Interpret these
4. Topic Noun Structure
6. 비디오 Topic Noun Structure 1. The ICP case can benefit from an external magnetic field
2. Time for Rule 5
3. The limitation
4. Global Version
7. 비디오 ITCE Short Course #4 (1) 1. Rule #4
2. Placeholder Verbs
3. Verb Tense
4. Modal Verbs
5. In Summary
6. Applying These Ideas
7. Supplement
8. Variations for Case Sentense
9. Identification of Problems
10. Supplement 2
11. Answer to Supplement
12. Which is better?
8. 비디오 ITCE Short Course #4 (2) 1. In Summary
2. Supplement 3
3. Answer to Supplement 3
4. Supplement 4
5. Answer to Supplement 4
6. Problem 5
7. Identification of Problems
8. Solution?
9. Problem 6
10. Problem 7
11. Problem 8

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