
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >토목ㆍ도시 >토목공학
  • 강의학기
    2013년 2학기
  • 조회수
This theoretical class mainly focuses on the understanding of the role of spatial configuration and its current value in the architecture design.

차시별 강의

1. 문서 Introduction of the class, Understanding of a space1(space-time) History of the scientific and philosophical definition of a space and time, and their relationship URL
2. 문서 Understanding of a space2(concept of a space) Multi-dimensional viewpoints on a space, in terms of philosophical, scientific and aesthetical aspects URL
3. 문서 Understanding of a space3(perception of a space) Psychological aspects of a space: perception of a space and human response on it URL
4. 문서 Spatial form1(sociology of a space) Architecture and urban morphology: history of the theory, why morphology in the study of space design?, decoding the sociological meaning of a spatial configuration and the opposite case as well URL
5. 문서 Spatial form2(space syntax) Theories of space syntax, a morphological methodology of analyzing spatial form and its relationship with social meaning URL
6. 문서 Spatial form3(analysis of spatial form) Analyzing his/her home's spatial configuration and presenting its social meaning hidden in the configuration URL
7. 문서 Mid-term examination and presentation of case studies by team Case study research on successful and failed design projects in Korea and other countries in the world URL
8. 문서 Spatial configuration of Korean architecture1(Interior and exterior space analysis of traditional Korean architecture) Understanding of cross cultural studies of traditional architecture in the far eastern Asian countries, such as Korea, China, and Japan. URL
9. 문서 Spatial configuration of Korean architecture2(Analysis of traditional upper-class Korean houses) Team presentation of the logics of spatial configuration and social logics and its meaning and values of the houses URL
10. 문서 Spatial configuration of Korean architecture3(Koreanity in 21C) Understanding various issues and viewpoints regarding the expression of Koreanity in contemporary Korean houses. URL
11. 문서 Spatial configuration of Western architecture1(space of modern and post-modern architecture) Understanding of the transformation of spatial meanings and values from modern architecture to post-modern one. URL
12. 문서 Spatial configuration of Western architecture2(space of contemporary architecture) Understanding of the meaning and values of contemporary architectural space configuration: deconstructionism, complexity, cyber space. URL
13. 문서 Spatial configuration of Western architecture3(case studies) Team presentation of the logics of spatial configuration and social-logics and its meaning and values of Western contemporary building URL
14. 문서 Architecture design project's evaluation report and presentation Presenting his/her architecture design project's evaluation in terms of spatial configuration. URL

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