
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >정밀ㆍ에너지 >원자력공학
  • 강의학기
    2013년 1학기
  • 조회수
이 강좌는 원자력 및 그와 관련된 시스템 중 수소생산영역을 집중 강의한다.
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 introduction introduction to global energy, primary energy sources, and issues with fossil fuels URL
비디오 thermal nuclear reactors current light water thermal reactor systems, their design and operational parameters URL
2. 비디오 high temperature reactors, GEN IV Reactors hydrogen and as energy carrier, hydrogen economy, nuclear heat and electrical driven hydrogen generation systems URL
비디오 hydrogen economy, nuclear hydrogen system nuclear power plant heat source, decay heat, reactor heat transport systems, power conversion, intermediate heat exchanger, process heat exchangers URL
3. 비디오 nuclear reactor heat source, IHX hydrogen production with steam methane reformation, water shift reactor, process parameters, conversion efficiency URL
비디오 hydrogen generation via steam reformation process high temperature thermochemical based hydrogen generation, various chemical intermediates, electrochemical processes URL
4. 비디오 thermochemical cycles overview sulfur based thermochemical process, sulfur iodine cycle, Westinghouse hybrid cycle, process flow sheets, operating conditions and reaction details URL
비디오 SI cycle, HyS cycle non-sulfur thermochemical cycles, university of Tokyo cycle, calcium chloride, calcium bromide cycle, high temperature electrolysis URL
5. 비디오 UT-3, High Temp. Electrolysis nuclear reactor heat coupling to hydrogen production schemes, heat and temperature matching to thermochemical process conditions thermal efficiency URL
비디오 H2 production Processes Heat matching, efficiency nuclear hydrogen system schemes, heat and temperature matching to thermochemical process conditions, thermal efficiency URL
6. 비디오 IHX Systems nuclear H2 R&D projects nuclear hydrogen system schemes, intermediate heat exchanger, process heat exchanger, design parameters, global programs in nuclear hydrogen URL
비디오 prismatic HTGR, PBMR high temperature gas cooled reactors, pebble bed modular reactor, prismatic pebble bed, design and operating parameters URL
7. 비디오 VHTR, GFR, LFR very high temperature reactor, gas cooled fast reactor, liquid metal cooled fast reactor design and operating conditions URL
비디오 MSR, SCWR molten salt cooled reactor, supercritical water reactor, design and operating parameters URL
8. 비디오 Kinetics model-point kinetic model neutronic model for nuclear reactor core, neutron transport equation, point kinetics model URL
비디오 neutronic kinetic codes reactor physics codes, reactor kinetics models, regulatory and commercial code structure, 2-D and 3-D neutronic codes, PARCS URL
9. 비디오 thermal-hydraulics analysis, 3-D TH codes nuclear reactor cooling, thermal hydraulics analysis, codes, 3-D and 1-D thermal analysis codes, RELAP5, THERMIX URL
비디오 safety analysis Reactor safety, defense in depth, safety philosophy, analysis methods URL
10. 비디오 HTR fuels and performance high reactor fuels, TRISO fuel, fuel performance URL
비디오 HTR materials issues, advanced materials high temperature reactor vessel, core and other component materials and issues, advanced materials for high temperature and radiation environment URL
11. 비디오 energy conversion systems-Brayton Cycle high temperature reactor energy conversion systems, Brayton Cycle, cycle efficiency URL
비디오 ECS control system high temperature reactor energy conversion control system, coolant inventory, coolant bypass methods URL
12. coupled HTR and hydrogen plant-simplified models coupled high temperature reactor and hydrogen plant, models for HTGR neutronic and thermal hydraulics, and hydrogen plant chemical models-simplified models
coupled HTR-H2plant dynamics dynamic analysis of coupled HTR and hydrogen plant, accident analysis
13. Safety in a process heat HTR high temperature reactor safety, heat transfer through process heat exchanger
HTR licensing issues, PIRT phenomena identification and ranking table, HTR licensing issues
14. Market potential, review for final exam nuclear hydrogen commercialization
Project I nuclear hydrogen system components, design projects
15. Project II nuclear hydrogen system components, design projects, models, reviews
Project III nuclear hydrogen system, components safety, analysis

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