
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >산업 >산업공학
  • 강의학기
    2016년 2학기
  • 조회수
  • 평점
    5/5.0 (2)
생산 및 서비스시스템 분석에 있어 확률적 요소 (예를 들어, 확률적인 수요)를 고려하는 것은 매우 중요하다. 본 과목에서는 확률적 요소가 내재된 시스템을 정량적으로 분석/설계/운영하는 방법을 주로 다루며, 대상 시스템은 생산/물류/서비스 시스템을 다룬다.

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Newsvendor Problem 1 Design, analyze, and manage a manufacturing or service system with uncertainty. Solve a single period decision problem containing uncertainty or randomness. URL
2. 비디오 Newsvendor Problem 2 Design, analyze, and manage a manufacturing or service system with uncertainty. Solve a single period decision problem containing uncertainty or randomness. URL
3. 비디오 Newsvendor Problem 3 Design, analyze, and manage a manufacturing or service system with uncertainty. Solve a single period decision problem containing uncertainty or randomness. URL
4. 비디오 Discrete Time Markov Chain 1 How to manage uncertainty when you are selling perishable items. How should we Model di erently if we are running a business dealing with durable or non-perishable goods? URL
비디오 Discrete Time Markov Chain 1 How to manage uncertainty when you are selling perishable items. How should we Model di erently if we are running a business dealing with durable or non-perishable goods? URL
비디오 Discrete Time Markov Chain 1 How to manage uncertainty when you are selling perishable items. How should we Model di erently if we are running a business dealing with durable or non-perishable goods? URL
5. 비디오 Discrete Time Markov Chain 2 How to manage uncertainty when you are selling perishable items. How should we Model di erently if we are running a business dealing with durable or non-perishable goods? URL
비디오 Discrete Time Markov Chain 2 How to manage uncertainty when you are selling perishable items. How should we Model di erently if we are running a business dealing with durable or non-perishable goods? URL
6. 비디오 Discrete Time Markov Chain 2 How to manage uncertainty when you are selling perishable items. How should we Model di erently if we are running a business dealing with durable or non-perishable goods? URL
비디오 Discrete Time Markov Chain 2 How to manage uncertainty when you are selling perishable items. How should we Model di erently if we are running a business dealing with durable or non-perishable goods? URL
비디오 Discrete Time Markov Chain 2 How to manage uncertainty when you are selling perishable items. How should we Model di erently if we are running a business dealing with durable or non-perishable goods? URL
7. 비디오 Discrete Time Markov Chain 3 How to manage uncertainty when you are selling perishable items. How should we Model di erently if we are running a business dealing with durable or non-perishable goods? URL
8. 비디오 Poisson Process 1 The way we modeled was to denote the inter-arrival times between customers by a random variable and assumed that the random variable has a exponential distribution. URL
비디오 Poisson Process 1 The way we modeled was to denote the inter-arrival times between customers by a random variable and assumed that the random variable has a exponential distribution. URL
9. 비디오 Poisson Process 2 a special case: the case where the inter-arrival times follow iid exponential distribution. We will learn how it is different from other distributions. URL
비디오 Poisson Process 2 a special case: the case where the inter-arrival times follow iid exponential distribution. We will learn how it is different from other distributions. URL
10. 비디오 Continuous Time Markov Chain 1 The time period is discretized so that time is denoted by integers. Consider discrete‐time stochastic process having discrete state space URL
비디오 Continuous Time Markov Chain 1 The time period is discretized so that time is denoted by integers. Consider discrete‐time stochastic process having discrete state space URL
비디오 Continuous Time Markov Chain 1 The time period is discretized so that time is denoted by integers. Consider discrete‐time stochastic process having discrete state space URL
비디오 Continuous Time Markov Chain 1 The time period is discretized so that time is denoted by integers. Consider discrete‐time stochastic process having discrete state space URL
11. 비디오 Continuous Time Markov Chain 2 A stochastic process is a continuous time Markov chain with state space URL
비디오 Continuous Time Markov Chain 2 A stochastic process is a continuous time Markov chain with state space URL
12. 비디오 Queueing basics 1 Queueing theory deals with a set of systems having waiting space. Analyzing a simple queue, a set of queues connected with each other will be covered as well in the end. URL
13. 비디오 Queueing basics 2 Design the system. How can we determine the number of server and customer, size of waiting capacity? URL
비디오 Queueing basics 2 Design the system. How can we determine the number of server and customer, size of waiting capacity? URL
비디오 Queueing basics 2 Design the system. How can we determine the number of server and customer, size of waiting capacity? URL
14. 비디오 Queueing basics 3 How does the system perform? For example that Utilization of servers, Average waiting time in queue, Average staying time in the system URL
15. 비디오 Queueing basics 4 Case study URL
비디오 Queueing basics 4 Case study URL

연관 자료


사용자 의견

강의 평가를 위해서는 로그인 해주세요. 로그인팝업
운영자2022-12-19 16:27
KOCW입니다. KOCW에서는 학교의 자체적인 강의제공으로 서비스되고 있습니다. 해당 강의는 2016년 강의로, 학교에서 운영연구2만 제공해주셨습니다. 이용에 참고바랍니다.
hy***** 2022-12-19 15:44
안녕하세요. 경영과학과 운영연구2는 있는데 혹시 1도 올려주실 계획이 있는지 문의드립니다!


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    ※ 강의별로 교수님의 사정에 따라 전체 차시 중 일부 차시만 공개되는 경우가 있으니 양해 부탁드립니다.
