
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    교육학 >교육일반 >교육행정학
  • 강의학기
    2012년 1학기
  • 조회수
Theory of Educational Administration. In this course, we focus on the relationship between educational administration and school and classroom practice, particularly the effort to shape classroom instruction by using educational administration as a lever.

We will review the theory, research and practice of educational administration and policy.

Course Objectives/Expected Outcomes:

The objectives in this class are:

1) To introduce educational administration as a field of study and to familiarize the student with the literature and terminology of education;

2) To provide an overview of the diverse institutional and environmental factors that influence the landscape of education;

3) To understand the purpose of school education and how this purpose has changed and affected various types of schools;

4) To understand how organization, governance, and finance in education vary by institutional types, control, and mission;

5) To gain familiarity with major issues currently facing Korean education.

차시별 강의

1. 문서 01 Values and Issues in Educational Administration (1) 1. Introduction 2. Overview of the Course 3. Values and Issues in Educational Administration URL
2. 문서 02 Values and Issues in Educational Administration (2) "1. Core Values in Educational Administration 2. Current Issues 3. Charter School Issues 4. Discussion " URL
3. 문서 03 The School as a Social System 1. What is Organizational Theory? 2. Rational-Systems Perspective : A Machine Model 3. Natural-Systems Perspective : An Organic Model 4. Open-Systems Perspective : An Integration 5. Social Systems Perspective URL
4. 문서 04 Structure In School 1. Weberian Model of Bureaucracy and Criticisms of it 2. Criticisms of the Weberian Bureaucratic Model 3. Formal Structure in Schools 4. Loose Coupling Perspective 5. Professional and Bureaucratic Conflict URL
5. 문서 05 Individuals in Schools: Motivation 1. What is Motivation? 2. Needs 3. Beliefs 4. Goals URL
6. 문서 06 Culture and Climate of Schools 1. Organizational Culture 2. Organizational Climate 3. Changing the Culture and Climate of Schools URL
7. 문서 07 Power and Politics In Schools 1. Authority and Power 2. Leaders and Authority 3. Power vs. Empowerment 4. A Critical View of Power 5. Politics 6. Coalitions 7. Kinds of Political Games 8. Conflict Management Styles URL
8. 문서 08 External Environment of Schools 1. Selected External Influences and Constituencies for School Districts 2. Two Types of Environments 3. Task Environment Theories 4. Information Perspective 5. Resource-Dependence Perspective 6. Administering Task Environments 7. Institutional Perspective 8. Administering Institutional Environments URL
9. 문서 09 School Effectiveness, Accountability and Improvement 1. The School as a Social System 2. Three Basic Challenges 3. Input Criteria 4. Performance Outcomes 5. Input-Output Research 6. Input-Throughput-Output Research 7. Academic Achievement 8. Accountability 9. School Effectiveness and Accountability URL

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