
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    의약학 >치료보건 >물리치료학
  • 강의학기
    2022년 2학기
  • 조회수
Students will be introduced to several different electrical agents commonly used in a clinical setting and will have lab sessions to apply and practice what they have learned. Students will learn the general parameters, indications, precautions, and contraindications feach electrical agent.
Multiple Sclerosis part 1
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Multiple Sclerosis part 1 Students will learn about the etiology, pathophysiology and clinical presentation of symptoms of MS URL
비디오 Multiple Sclerosis part 2 Students will be taught various physical therapy and medical management for MS symptoms URL
2. 비디오 Guillain-Barre Syndrome Students will learn about the etiology, pathophysiology and clinical presentation of symptoms of GBS and also be able to compare with MS. URL
비디오 Parkinson’s Disease part 1 Students will learn about the etiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentations of PD URL
3. 비디오 Parkinson’s Disease part 2 With the previous knowledge gained, students will learn how to assess/diagnosis, evaluate and managing techniques fpatients with PD URL
비디오 Parkinson’s Disease part 3 Students will learn more in depth the intervention options, exercieses, and goals that are appropriate fpatients with PD. URL
4. 비디오 Traumatic Brain Injury I part 1 Students will learn the causes, possible types and presentations of TBI. URL
비디오 Traumatic Brain Injury I part 2 Students will learn examination and evaluation techniques and some intervention skills specific to TBI URL
5. 비디오 Traumatic Brain Injury II part 1 Students will learn about the importance of sensory stimulation and assessment of cognitive functioning for patients with TBI, especially low-level TB URL
비디오 Traumatic Brain Injury II part 2 Students will learn the importance of including positioning and other activities for the treatment of patients with low to middle level TBI URL
6. 비디오 Traumatic Brain Injury III part 1 Students will learn more about the RLA scale and the various deficits associated with each levels, as well as intervention and discharge options. URL
비디오 Traumatic Brain Injury III part 2 Along with treatment, students will learn how to assess a patient's grade of assistance required to perform various activities. URL
7. 비디오 Alzheimer’s Disease Part 1 Students will learn about the possible etiology, risk factors, pathophysiology, and diagnosis of AD URL
비디오 Alzheimer’s Disease Part 2 Students will learn more in depth about the clinical presentations and other changes associated with AD, as well as evaluation and treatment considerations/options. URL
비디오 Alzheimer’s Disease Part 3 Students will learn about how PT can help patients with AD and the importance of helping the patient to adapt to their environment. URL
8. 비디오 Overview of SCI I part 1 Students will learn about the etiology and and different results of various types of spinal cord injury. URL
비디오 Overview of SCI I part 2 Students will learn what ASIA is used for and will be taught how to perform sensory, motor examinations and how to classify an injury according to the ASIA. URL
9. 비디오 Functional Outcomes part 1 Students will learn about the functional outcomes of SCI as well as other secondary problems that may appear with SCI. URL
비디오 Functional Outcomes part 2 Students will learn more about the secondary problems that may arise with SCI as well as further information on the ASIA scale. URL
10. 비디오 Functional Rehabilitation Strategities part 1 Students will learn about muscle sbustitution, and how momentum and the head-hips relationship is important to learn and teach patients with complete and incomplete SCI. URL
비디오 Functional Rehabilitation Strategities part 2 Students will learn more about the substitution methods for SCI. URL
비디오 SCI-III Functional Mat Activities Students will learn how to perform and teach various mat skills including even, uneven surfaces with or without equipment. URL
11. 비디오 SCI-IV Transfer Skills part 1 Students will learn various transfer skills, especially floor to wheelchair skills. URL
비디오 SCI-IV Transfer Skills part 2 Students will continue to learn transfer skills that are important for survival for patients with SCI. URL
12. 비디오 Wheelchair Skills Students will learn wheelchair skills, including ascending and descending stairs and curbs as well as functional potentials related to wheelchair use. URL
비디오 SCI-VI Ambulation Students will learn some ambulation training, precautions, ascending and descending skills for patients with SCI URL
13. 비디오 Skin Care for SCI part 1 Students will learn the cause, risk factors, prevention and assessment of pressure ulcers. URL
비디오 Skin Care for SCI part 2 Students will learn more characteristics of pressure ulcers and treatment and management options. URL

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