
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >컴퓨터ㆍ통신 >컴퓨터과학
  • 강의학기
    2011년 2학기
  • 조회수
본 과정에서는, 공간할당 및 질의시간이 적절한 외부메모리(EM) 구조에 관해 논한다. B-tree 인덱스 구조 외, stabbing query (1-d intervals, 2-d orthogonal range reporting, 2-d orthogonal range count/max)를 기본적으로 다루며, 이 외 persistency, boot-strapping, fractional cascading, compression, weight-balancing, logarithmic method 등 I/O면에서 효율적인 구조 개발을 위한 기본적 테크닉을 다룬다
Distribution Sort
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Distribution Sort This lecture discusses an algorithm called distribution sort for performing sorting in external memory. URL
2. 비디오 Introduction to Computation in External Memory This is a talk in the CS-WebST colloquium, and discusses fundamental results in the external memory computation model. URL
3. 비디오 Plane Sweep This lecture discusses an internal memory algorithm for solving the orthogonal intersection problem. This algorithm exemplifies the plane sweep technique. URL
4. 비디오 Divide and Conquer The lecture discusses another internal memory algorithm for solving the orthogonal intersection problem using the divide-and-conquer technique. URL
5. 비디오 Distribution Sweep I The lecture discusses an external memory algorithm for solving the orthogonal intersection problem. This algorithm exemplifies the distribution sweep technique. URL
6. 비디오 Distribution Sweep II This lecture discusses algorithms for solving the skyline problem (a.k.a. the maxima problem). This algorithm also illustrates the use of distribution sweep, as well as another technique called order alternation. At the end, the lecture also starts the discussion on B-trees. URL
7. 비디오 B-tree This lecture discusses the query and algorithms of the B-tree. URL
8. 비디오 Weight-balanced B-tree I This lecture discusses the weight-balanced B-tree in detail. URL
9. 비디오 Weight-balanced B-tree II The first part of the lecture finishes the introduction to the weight-balanced B-tree. The second part starts the discussion on another structure called the persistent B-tree. URL
10. 비디오 Persistent B-tree This lecture finishes the discussion on the persistent B-tree. URL
11. 비디오 External Interval Tree I The lecture discusses the external interval tree, designed to answer stabbing queries efficiently. URL
12. 비디오 External Interval Tree II This lecture continues the discussion of the external interval tree. URL
13. 비디오 External interval tree III This lecture covers the algorithms of the external interval tree. URL
14. 비디오 External Interval Tree IV This lecture continues the discussion on updating external interval trees. URL
15. 비디오 External Interval Tree V This lecture finishes the discussion on external interval trees. URL
16. 비디오 Filtering Search This lecture discusses an internal memory structure for answering 3-sided range queries. This structure exemplifies the technique of filtering search. URL
17. 비디오 External Priority Search Tree I This lecture discusses how to make the structure of the previous lecture efficient in external memory. URL
18. 비디오 External Priority Search Tree II The first part of the lecture finishes the discussion on the algorithms of the external priority search tree. The second part starts the introduction to structures for answering (4-sided) range queries. URL
19. 비디오 External range search tree This lecture discusses the external range search tree in detail, which answers a query in logarithmic time by using the minimum space. URL
20. 비디오 Kd-tree This lecture discusses the kd-tree, which is an optimal non-replicating structure for answering range queries. URL
21. 비디오 O-tree I This lecture starts the discussion on another non-replicating structure, called O-tree, for answering range queries. URL
22. 비디오 O-tree II This lecture continues on the O-tree, focusing on its algorithms. URL
23. 비디오 Problem Solving I This lecture discusses the problems in exercise lists 1-3. URL
24. 비디오 Problem Solving II This lecture discusses the problems in exercise lists 4-5. URL

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